You can't think a sense or ability is a reality. If you were born blind you'd either need someone to prove to you that there is a sense of sight, or get it yourself to find out. ESP is the missing sense, and only a handful of people are born with more than the rudiments, and then mainly dismiss it as not real.
If you learn how to open it up and then see for yourselves then there won't need to be a question, you'll know.
1) Feel your centres open from the belly up to the top of the head, take a deep breath for each and feel you could wave your hand through the space. It's not essential but what we did to prepare.
2) Decide what you want to know
3) Ask the question
4) Clear your mind
5) See what comes in
6) Say the first things that come to you. They won't make much sense as they relate to someone else's information, but they can tell if it does to them. It can be thoughts, feelings, pictures or words.
7) Practice, your mind will think and interfere, you get the feel of knowing the good stuff and if not sure balance the two answers and you'll know which is which.
If you all try this most of you will know for yourselves in 10 minutes or so.