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Do I Have to Believe Evolution?

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Elderman | 16:06 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
350 Answers
Well,For 116 years it graced the halls of the National Museum of Wales at Cardiff—the fossilised skeleton of a 200m[illion]-year-old predator that once cruised the Jurassic seas,” says Britain’s newspaper The Guardian. “Then curators at Cardiff decided the remains of the ocean-going carnivore ichthyosaurus needed a brush up—and realised that they had been taken in.” “When we stripped off five layers of paint we found it was an elaborate forgery,” said conservator Caroline Buttler. “It was an amalgam of two types of ichthyosaurus plus a clever attempt at fake parts.” Instead of disposing of it, the museum will put it on display as an example of a fake fossil.


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"I find it amazing"

you are easily amazed then. well done.
Sith, I am glad you detected a little humour in my posting. I agree with you that Elderman does not have to believe in evolution, nobody does if they don't want to for whatever reason. Nevertheless the evidence for evolution is pretty overwhelming. Many things other than living creatures evolve, you may have noticed that motor vehicles have improved over time. That is a form of evolution as 'fitter' vehicles have succeeded less fit vehicles. My remark about the koran was simply to point out that you should not pin your beliefs to strongly to your religious texts as they have a habit of being re-interpreted when they become incompatible with currently accepted knowledge.
no, i am not against evolution, i believe that over time animals adapt to their surroundings. the only thing i do not agree with is that we evolved from apes. apart from that im fine with it.
Elderman,//I find it amazing that anyone accepts the theory of evolution as fact when evolutionary “experts” themselves argue over how it is supposed to have happened.//

What an irrational train of thought. You find it amazing that anyone accepts the theory of evolution, which does carry a good deal of evidence, but you don't find it amazing that umpteen religions argue over what is supposed to have happened with not a smidgeon of evidence to support any of it.

Sith, we didn't evolve from apes. Read the posts.
very interesting find!

BUT to answer your headline question with another question, does the theory of evolution by natural selection, entirely replace the creationist-God made it all - theory OR could it have happened first and then the species evolved ... ?
i know, but that is what many people believe.
Cath, put it this way. If God made man in his image, I can only assume that God looks something like an amoeba.

Sith, they're wrong. Of course Muslims believe that Allah made man, just as is he now, but that he turned some people into monkeys and pigs. Perhaps you and Elderman should have a chat. That would be interesting. ;o)
Hi Elderman..I just noticed an advert for dinosaur eggs on the side bar of this page, so now we know those two dinosaurs must have been of different genders. :-)
Bishop Usher of Armagh calculated the age of the earth my tracing the lineage of the people in the bible. I think he then added 6 days, for accuracy, to cover the Creation.
Silly old fool! Not you Sandy - the Bishop. :o)
Him and me both, Naomi. :-)
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Here is an intersting take on the search for the last common ancestor of all life on Earth.

It is amusing how Elderman decides that the variety of scientific hypotheses about life shows that the Bible's single story is the truth.

Any of the other ideas can get the same status as the Bible by simply decreeing that all other possibilities are wrong and ignoring the evidence.
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If evolutionists lack explanations, why do they preach their ideas so loudly? Many people, including many important and well-respected scientists, just don’t want there to be anything beyond nature.

The teaching of macroevolution is built on the claim that mutations—random changes in the genetic code of plants and animals—can produce not only new species but also entirely new families of plants and animals.
Many characteristics of a plant or an animal are determined by the instructions contained in its genetic code, the blueprints that are wrapped up in the nucleus of each cell.

Researchers have discovered that mutations can produce alterations in the descendants of plants and animals. But do mutations really produce entirely new species? What has a century of study in the field of genetic research revealed that, mutations cause one species to evolve into a completely new kind of creature? The evidence answers no! defined species have real boundaries that cannot be abolished or transgressed by accidental mutations.
"do mutations really produce entirely new species"

it can do. its called speciation.
Elderman ..If by your reasoning the theory of evolution cannot be justified because it is not known exactly what intermediate stages there were in the evolution of every species, the you should throw your bible away because there is a lot less detail in that and there are far more contradictions than in the theory of evolution.
Elderman, you are obviously not a taxonomist, species do not have 'defined boundaries'. Some species are so close to others that they can interbreed, spectacular examples being lion/tiger crosses.

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