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Are there Valid Reasons for Atheism?

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Elderman | 13:32 Mon 02nd Jan 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
257 Answers
Do the world’s injustices—including those instigated by hypocritical religionists—prove that there is no God?


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I just popped in to be the 200th !
Sorry Khandro, you missed out by one :)
boxtops //They are not following the Qu'ran/Hadith, they are following their own interpretations of those //

Every religious person is following an interpreation of the holy books.

boxtops //We all know these things happen - we may not agree with them, we may be very averse to them - but we do not need to say "ah, that's the Faith though", and make excuses for their happening.//

Read for what is in them all the holy books of the Abrahamic faiths are hideous manuals of bigotry and prejudice.

The books of these faiths DO include many passages that glorify horrible acts in the name of their God. There is no eascaping this FACT.

Just go and read Joshua from the Bible if you have even the slightest doubt.
naomi, are you that thick. muhammed was the messenger of god, so of course god would say to follow muhammed as well. muslims follow the quran, hadith and sunnah. if god did not want you to follow muhammed he would not have made his him messenger. seriously naomi, you say im confused. for example do christians follow what jesus did. yes. the only big major difference is that they believe he was the son of god, we do not believe that any prophet was the son of god.
Sith, I'll ignore your rudeness.

//of course god would say to follow muhammed as well. //

Really? Where did Allah say Mohammed could disagree and people should take notice of him?
My understanding is that a prophet is an incredibly arrogant person (always a man as far as I know) who presumes their every thought is directed by the ultimate supernatural being. Most of them have also been profoundly misogynistic.

They were once common but not so much now because they are rightly considered delusional and treated for the mental illness. The supposed wisdom they spout is nothing more than their deepest prejudices and bigotted attitudes.

What more do people need than simply reading the story to realise that Abraham was a schitzophrenic?
Sith ...the angel gibril was the messenger of god (allegedly). Mohammed was just his go-between. Do you ever read anything, or do you just believe what you want to?
Once someone buys into the 'God' premise, they're pretty much in the market for just about anything . . . reality is no obstacle.
Reality is just a conspiracy by Atheist Powers to hide the truth. Until Atheists came along God did send real angels to visit men and tell the true knowledge.

Miracles happened, people lived for many hundreds of years, the dead could come back to life, it rained until the whole world was covered, seas parted automatically and walls fell down when trumpets were blown. Thousands could be fed on a couple of fish and loaves of bread and food rained out of the sky as required.

But no. The atheists had to ruin it all by inventing their physical laws that claimed such things were impossible. If we could just have enough faith we could go back to the perfect world that God (THE ONE TRUE GOD!) created for us.
naomi, muhammed was one of the major prophets of islam. therefore god would want you to follow his example. some of the things he did are compulsory whereas some are not.
no jomifl, that is entirely wrong, you can ask any muslim about that. Jibril passed the messages from god to muhammed however muhammed was the one who told the people about it, not jibril. So jomifl, dont question me if i ever read anything when you have so clearly made a mistake on something you know little about trying to make me look dumb. It wont work lol.
Any God who has all of his followers down on their knees the whole time reciting a load of mumbo-jumbo as to how wonderful he is, has got to be on one helluva EGOtrip
//Any God who has all of his followers down on their knees the whole time reciting a load of mumbo-jumbo as to how wonderful he is, has got to be on one helluva EGOtrip//

Considering the manner He chooses to be worshipped by those willing to comply, a profound lack of self-esteem seems closer to the mark . . . for all involved.
Sith, //muhammed was one of the major prophets of islam. therefore god would want you to follow his example. //

That's a mighty big assumption! Allah didn't say it, but you know his thoughts. Wow!

//some of the things he did are compulsory whereas some are not.//

That's handy. ;o)
Sith, If gibril, passed on the message (from god) then he must have been the messenger, that is the definition of a messenger, someone who passes on a message. So you are wrong, I'm sure mohammed would have liked to think of himself as god's messenger but he wasn't, he was a slave trader that is all.
By the way what makes you think you know 'what god would want'?(in your reply to Naomi)
You are doing what many believers do, you pass your opinions off as god's will when all they are is an unsupportable idea based on mostly nothing. The christians do exactly the same, they tell us what 'jesus would have wanted' without having any way of substantiating their claims. I am not trying to make you look dumb, I am just contradicting unjustifiable statements. I do understand that you are repeating what you have been told by members of your adopted religion but what people say is not always true, as is shown by the different versions of islam that exist today, all based on different interpretatons of the 'truth'.
Peraps we should ask Sith whether he's Sunni or Shia. Or perhaps he's a Sufi.
Most likely Sunni, almost certainly not Sufi. Perhaps he will tell us which and why.
im sunni, also jomifl, yes jibril was the messenger to muhammed, but muhammed was the messenger to the people. he told them about islam and he preached it to them so he is the messenger.
also you say why i said that god will want you to follow muhammeds examples? simple. considering god made muhammed his messenger that means he set muhammed as a preacher but also a role model to people. its common sence that is what he would have wanted. it says so in the quran. if god did not want that he would not have revealed the quran to muhammed would he?
I fear for your sanity and well being Sith, I really do. Each to their own eh?
dont toby. however if its because im religious by all means do. just shows how stupid some people are. lol.

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