You know it kind of puts me in mind of Mormon belief that Jesus visited America after the resurection or even the old myth that Joseph of Arimathea may have brought Jesus to England as a young boy.
It seems that many cultures would like to think Jesus visited their country
naomi's summary is excellent - and accurate, with only the odd point which I would quesry. But, of course, it is largely based on the gospel accounts, which I submit have no historical basis.
I notice no rush of Christians eager to respond to my request for evidence to support the Jesus story. Mm...
He pretty much lost all credibility with me the moment he professed to be a chip off the old bloke. Then getting himself nailed to a cross as an example of how to live ones life . . . surely there must be a better way. But then perhaps we're discussing two different people?
Saw a bumper sticker today ~ "What would Scooby do?"
//He pretty much lost all credibility with me the moment he professed to be a chip off the old bloke. //
But did he? When asked by Pilate ‘Are you the Son of God?’, accounts of his answer differ from ‘You say that I am’ to ‘I am’ – and those two statements don’t mean the same thing at all, so what are we to believe? The real question has to be who recorded the trial? His friends weren’t there –the Romans left no record of it – and Jesus himself was hardly in a position to relay events to anyone before he was supposedly executed …. so who?
More unanswered questions.....
Maybe we should ask Scooby. He’s just as likely to have the answers as anyone else. ;o)
Given it's reputed reliability for accuracy, if there's any hope of obtaining a genuine authoritative account on who the 'real Jesus' (or next of kin) was then we're obliged to look further back than to anything recorded in the 'Bible'. With respect to who they've been alleged to be, someone it appears has done a marvellous job of covering their tracks.