Gotta love believers - now humanity has no reasoning abilities beyond a pancake!
And as for Mike111 and his Pascals Wager - In the vanishingly small likelihood that an omnipotent, omniscient god is actually found to exist, such a being would immediately know the falseness of your professed faith and the cowardice and calculation that underpins it - Any being who would then go on to reward such cravenness and favour holders of such falsely held belief over those who have arrived at honestly held scepticism based upon logic, rationality and reason cannot be a being worthy of worship and devotion in the first place.
Seriously - Pascals Wager is a risible and thoroughly stupid piece of false logic. Rather like your soundbite analogy comparing the attentions of atheists here with the travails of the Spanish Inquisition, and wishing to experience the second. Someone who would prefer to be the central attraction in an auto da fe. rather than face uncomfortable and even sarcastic comments about their faith here on AB is either a masochist or weak in faith and mind. Which are you?