Why Doesn’T Islam Educate Its Men? in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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Why Doesn’T Islam Educate Its Men?

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naomi24 | 11:28 Wed 06th Feb 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
61 Answers
Two items in the news this week that, once again, highlight Islam’s archaic attitudes towards women and its continuing tolerance of the failings of men. First, the appalling story of the Saudi cleric who brutally raped and murdered his five year old daughter – and was excused with a fine - and second, the instance of another Saudi cleric who says that all female babies should be hidden under burkas in order to ward off sex attacks.

Islam’s stance appears to be that, faced with temptation, men are helpless victims, and its solution, therefore, is to remove that temptation by hiding females from view. Rather than requiring men to accept full responsibility for their own licentious and inexcusable behaviour, isn’t it time that Islam stopped justifying the subjugation of women by acknowledging that the fault rests not with the female, but with its own attitudes towards them?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Honeydip>>>> This is not Islamophobia. Have you ever looked at the Koran, have you read it's message. It's all about domination. The domination of women, the domination of infidels. It's doctrine is to become the only recognised religion in the world and the subjugation of all non Muslims. Take a look at a few of Andy Choudharys videos.
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Honeydip, Can we please stick to the subject? Accusations of Islamophobia are simply an attempt to stifle any criticism of Islam – and in this instance, at least, criticism is justified. LG is right. Any man worth his salt would deem the requirement for women to be covered to protect men from temptation as an insult to his intelligence. Nevertheless, the men of Islam – who, let us not forget, make the rules - clearly do not see it that way. However moderate they may be, they not only accept it without question – they expect it.
To some extent, don't all religions want to be the only recognized religion?

Christianity suggests that there is "one true god" and tells us that He sent Jesus to tell us how to follow Him ... so all other religions must be wrong.

Actually, I'm not sure when humans started to think that there might only be one god. i think polytheism is more plausible. That would explain why there were good gods (the Gods of Trees, the Wind, Wine, Happiness, Seagulls, etc) and bad gods (the Gods of War, Wasps, Slow Drivers, Croydon, etc).

Then faiths like Islam would have to accept that you only needed to follow the gods that concerned you. You wouldn't worry about the God Of The Sea if you didn't have a coastline, etc.
Sorry, that was a bit off topic.

Honeydip I know Muslims and there just like anyone else I know, but they are secular in outlook and life style, nice people, nice kids – religious in name.
I would expect people to people to base the UK on Ian Huntley, if we had a religious system that said he was tempted by females and the fact that they were uncovered, led to those deaths. He received a fine and the government went along with it.
I am very sure there are a lot of people in the Muslim world who find it distasteful and wrong, but they don’t speak up, no democracy and a barbaric society.
In the west I rarely hear any dissenting voices by the Islamic community, because the “devout” believe in the Quran and the word of god. I truly believe that they agree with these actions and until these people, who have the freedoms of a modern western society, speak out in a consistent, rational and humane way against these barbarities, how can you expect those of us who see and understand the barbarity, inhumanity and downright irrationality of these acts, to defend them?
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
These words by Edmund Burke have never been more relevant. If, as we're told, the silent majority are against such barbaric behavior, why haven't they spoken out?
i would be happy for male followers of Islam to wear the burkha, veil, robed up the ying yang, perhaps then they can see, feel how confining it all is, and how patently absurd the whole idea of women becoming victims of lascivious looks and sexual assault if they have an ankle showing, surely men generally have more control than that...
there is that t wat again, one can only say that Anjem Choudary should go to a land that appreciates his brand of botox.
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^^Ha ha! Keyplus once suggested I take to wearing a burka, and I suggested he try playing cricket in one. As far as I know, he didn't accept the challenge.
Apparently Muslim men don't.

So God (Allah, whatever) in his wisdom ...

1. Made it a sin to gaze upon a woman's flesh ...

2. And then made Muslim men incapable of resisting it!

(well, according to Islam, both of those propositions are correct, yes?)
"Why Doesn’T Islam Educate Its Men?"

The men are too arrogant and ignorant. They are backward and stuck in their old egotistical ways.
How did Britain ever get into this mess, laws that had been changed, attitudes to to all sorts of outmoded, outdated idiocy, like homosexuals being hounded or sent to jail for being gay, women having no vote, voice, less than equal in any sense, and now that has changed, it's been a slog and a half to get there, but we have. Now we appear in some quarters to be going backwards, why..
one wish is that Choudary goes to Saudi Arabia, the former playboy would do very well there.
We can only assume Naomi that Islam's menfold don't want to be educated regarding their womenfolk as it suits them not to.

As mentioned they do educate them, just not necessarily in the way you'd wish. Fair enough, religious observation runs from extreme to moderate and I'm sure not all Muslims hold the same views/interpretation, but for sure some of the extreme adherents believe some abominable stuff from our point of view.

Societies do change, not always for the better, but they need time. Outside opinion helps hurry things along as long as it's more disapproving than demanding (which can ensure folk get entrenched with diverging viewpoints). I'm unsure what else one can do but try to persuade and hope the number of citizens with an enlightened viewpoint reaches a critical mass and attitudes change.
that doesn't bode well for Britain if that is the case, or should one say our future.
Why Doesn’T Islam Educate Its Men?

The word uneducable comes to mind.

Any attempts definitely failed in Slough, Rochdale, Telford, Oldham.
Not forgetting Oxford
Keyplus is a case in point again and again he has been asked to condem actions, done in the name of Allah, and repeatedly he has tried to defen those actions in the face of the most rational and determined opposition.

So who ever he is, is he a singlar one off or is he just indicative of the Islamic attitude of British Muslims? Until someone proves me wrong I think the latter.

I am not a right winger, I am not a racist but sooner or later what is right and humane must prevail over political correctness and the acquiescence of these barbarous acts by a frankly medieval section of our society.
We're also well aware that most Islamic followers do not condone this kind of behaviour,however their silence is almost as chilling in my opinion too.

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