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What Did Jesus Look Like?

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naomi24 | 08:48 Wed 27th Mar 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
71 Answers
I’ve just received a 2013 Memorial Invitation from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I will have to decline their invitation, but have a look at it here – third item top line – and do check out the reverse side of the leaflet.

Jesus, despite having been born in the Middle East of Jewish parents, appears to have been a very handsome white man - and no stranger to a designer hairstylist - or the gym. What a hunk! How on earth can anyone take this gumpf seriously?


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@Em you are scaring me now :)
OMG, there's hope for me yet!
Hypothetically, I'd say paler than people in that region as he was the son of God and not Joseph or somebody else (;-)), brown eyes as Mary would have had brown eyes, dark hair like his mother (had he been blonde or red haired somebody wolud have mentioned that in an epistle surely!) quite muscular as he'd have trained to be a carpenter like his father before he went into the ministry in the desert and as he did a lot of walking and lifting of children would have been quite thin and fit. I've often wondered why some renaissance painters paint a rather pathetic, weak man had it been the case, when he was flogged he would have died. All hypothetical as I say.
@coccinelle. You wrote "Hypothetically, I'd say paler than people in that region as he was the son of God and not Joseph or somebody else (;-)),"

Its all a hypothetical, of course :) From your sentence, above, does that mean then that you believe god to be a caucasian?
No, just that as God isn't a person he has no colour so his son wouldn't inherit any colour from him. He'd be just a paler version of his mother (hypothetically of course!)
lazygun, why, is it Noel, i know he is a bit odd, but in his earlier incarnation he looks like the picture that Naomi mentioned.
@Em yep, its Noel. Not a big fan :) Anyone who dreamed up Mr Blobby is someone to be feared of...

No argument that he might look a little like the picture....

@Coccinelle -Ahh, i sort of see your logic now.. :)
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Goodlife's awfully quiet on this one.
The face of Jesus has once again appeared on my slice of toast this morning.

You have to hold the toast at an angle..... and squint...but he looks rather hunky with a beard made from jam
That programme I alluded to earlier - the Bible story, the one where some point out a striking similarity between Obama and the guy playing Satan - Massive hit in the US, apparently.

Now the producer is on a global mission, to get 1 billion people worldwide to watch his 5-part series.............
If Jesus did exist, than he would have looked like any other Jewish man of his generation. If you want to know what he really looked like, go to the middle east and pick pretty much any man in his early 30's out of the crowd.

I have never been entirely sure why some our more credulous population talk about Jesud being a "Christian" He was born and died a Jew.
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LG, oh gawd! Charlton Heston rides again!!
Lazygun...I heard a piece on the Today program this morning about the Bible TV series that is reaching a climax this weekend. Apparently it is going to be watched by over 150 million people. As most if not all of those viewersare Americans, with their well-known lack of incredulity, we shouldn't be at all surprised !
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Has anyone watched any of it?
No. Might, if it is shown over here. Some nice looking CGI effects of Moses parting the Red Sea - or perhaps they did not need CGI? Maybe God intervened and helped them out whilst they shot that bit.... :)

Macabre side note- Renting out crosses to pose for photos is big business on the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem at this time of year apparently...
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Christian visitors to Jerusalem hoist those crosses and walk the 'walk' all year round, LG - but I've no doubt trade is brisker at Easter.

@Naomi - Ahh did not know that. Seems an odd way to celebrate your religion.....
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Yes ..... along with eating your God's flesh and drinking his blood ....


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