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The fundamentalists are obviously a community apart from the vast majority of believers - but their actions point to the absurdity and irrationality of a faith-based worldview, particularly when it impacts upon our society and culture, bert. I know you and others who are not fundamentalists must get annoyed, must see these as unwarranted attacks on your faith, perhaps even on individuals - but the price we all pay for the actions of those extremists is high, and it must be right to challenge, comment, laugh or be scornful when these stories make the headlines.

I do not think religion should not be influencing the debate when it comes to abortion, for example - or gay marriage, or gender equality - but it does. The beliefs of those of faith should hold no sway when it comes to the debate over climate change - but they do. It most definitely should not be enshrined in law - like blasphemy laws, for example, or more trivially the religious courts found in the muslim and jewish faiths - but in some areas of the globe, they do. Faith should play no part in deciding the best and most humane way of slaughtering animals - but it does.Faith should be no defence against abuse - but often it is.

So yes, we can be guilty of focusing on the fundamentalist or the extremist - but the foundation for such extreme behaviours is anchored in the foundation stone of organised and recognised religions.It is they who need to do very much more to root out and curtail such behaviours. It is they that need to reform their ancient laws that just have no relevance in modern society.

Thats why we continue to highlight the vicious, the cruel, the extreme or the absurd acts that those extremists commit, and how that impacts on the rest of us that have to share the planet with them....
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Ratter@ It show how true the words of Jesus: Blind guides is what they are. If, then, Jesus continued, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit. (Matt. 15:14) And what a miserable pit of darkness and despair all those are in who have followed these blind religious leaders! It is understandable how great masses of the common, often illiterate, people are led into the wrong way by following their leaders in blind trust. But how could such educated, intellectual leaders themselves be so blind as to stumble into the quagmire of darkness in which they find themselves? Certainly it would take a power far superior to theirs. Explaining how this comes about, and why both the clergy and their followers and atheism are in such mental darkness, the apostle Paul says: The god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers............................2 Cor. 4:4.
vile people.
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Goodlife, will you please stop coming onto threads just to spout your religious nonsense, you have no constructive opinion of your own you just copy and paste, I have no interest in the posting of a fool and knowing what it says in your book of folklore, it really is going to make no difference to my opinion apart from further convincing me of your increasing stupidity.
Then being true to my claim requires me to say the same thing that Jesus said,not what I say( Matthew 4:10)

Two very stupid people.
What a pair of deluded fools
goodlife - do you have a single opinion of your own or is cutting & pasting your only talent in life?
Who would God choose to tell the truth and do the work he wants done in the earth today, If it means that you must be prepared to be viewed as a fool by the world.

The Bible also says. (1 Corinthians 3:19) So to be a successful servant of Jehovah God you must be willing to proceed in a way that will make you seem foolish from the world’s standpoint. Are there historical examples to show that not only were God’s servants viewed as foolish by people of the world but the wisdom of the world was also foolishness to God.
goodlife - see if you can answer this one without cutting & pasting. Would YOU let your children die this way?
goodlife, why didn't their prayers save those poor kids, wasn't God listening ?.
goodlife, why would God wish you to do something that appears foolish to the world?,why would God want you to act foolishly? By the way he must be very proud of you.
Be Sure to be answered, are prayers that go to the right One, and out of a clean heart, with a proper motive, and in his appointed way. (John 14:6, 14)

//YOU let your children die this way// No way.
Can you not find anything to copy and paste to answer my question, goodlife?
Garbage, absolute garbage, goodlife.
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Well said Tony!!
I said what I believe, RATTER.
That is just one religion or few people who picked something out of their religion that was wrong. All of the religions or all of the people of the same religion do not do or believe in same things.
Keyplus, all religions pick out the bits that suit them and therein lies the problem.

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