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Attention Believers In God!

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society | 13:35 Tue 17th Sep 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
49 Answers
Why do you believe in God?


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cupid This sort of Jesus' love you mean:
Jesus recommends that to avoid sin we cut off our hands and pluck out our eyes. This advice is given immediately after he says that anyone who looks with lust at any women commits adultery. Matthew 5:29-30
Or maybe you agree with his threats of violence:
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.............................." Matthew 10:34

10:35-36) "For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."
I choose to .
modeller: the cutting off hand or taking out your eye if it causes you to sin is old testament. The woman caught in adultery [there was a man involved]
Jesus said where are your accusers. they had left. Jesus said neither do I condemn you.
When jesus said I came to bring not peace but a sword he was saying that families would be divided because of their faith. but in some cases all it took was one person to be saved and whole households were saved.
Mathew 18.
"8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire."
Muses to self "What does Goodlife make of the verses".
The beautiful story of the woman caught in adultery is not (as I recall) found in the earliest manuscripts of St. John's gospel. Occasionally (though not too often) some Bible writers get it right, and this is one of those times. Nothing like this in the vindictive literature of Islam, is there?
cupid // sin is old testament// Oh that's all right then ! Jesus OK . God's the monster. !

Jesus doesn't agree with you. Matthew 5:17 " Do not think I have come to abolish the Law of the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. "

Matthew 11;20-24 Jesus threatened even the cities in which he had performed his miracles " But I tell you it will be more bearable for S
cont It will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgement than for you "
the original poster said attention believers in God! You'll twist whatever I say like most atheists. I believe in God. No-one will ever persuade me other wise. He is everything to me. He has been with me through good times and bad.
Good on you Cupid. I too believe in God and feel no need to justify or explain here. Bit like going in the Motoring section and saying Why do you drive, or Food & Drink and saying Why do you eat.
Jesus' threatians " If you are cruel to others , God will be cruel to you . "
Matthew 18:23-35

Jesus advises his followers to mutilate themselves by cutting off their hands and plucking out their eyes. He says it's better to be 'maimed' than suffer everlasting fire. Mattew 18;8-9

Thus speaks the son of your God cupid .
I'm not twisting your words . I don't have to . I am quoting your bible .

If such words help you in life that is your choice.
the question was "why do you", perhaps it should be,,,,,line up atheists and *** off anyone who dares to believe.
My belief is my affair and nothing on a computer screen will convince me otherwise.
Because God allows me and mine to live in peace and harmony on his beautious earth. I am looking at a fluffy white cloud gliding in a blue sky, over my fruit laden trees with the gentle lapping of the river. I can see, I can hear, I can eat, taste and most of all I can breathe. I know its beyond me to fix my senses if/when they breakdown but its not beyond God to fix me.
Congratulations tamborine you are the only one who has tried to answer the question. I admire you it must be difficult at times to stand up to those wicked atheists.
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modeller, I think tamborine has answered the question, you just can't help the sarcky bit,
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I believe, as I don't want to meet my end not doing so and thinking "Oh crap...."
*** why the reference to shoe repairers, Jesus was a chippy.
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cobblars, 10clarion ? Cobblars.....hrmfphf, leave the u out of my name.

If you dare, come & say it to my face and the river wont be gently lapping and you will cease breathing.

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