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Jesus Is Your Salvation.

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naomi24 | 22:54 Fri 04th Oct 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
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Why? What has he saved you from?


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How do we know if he's saved us from it?
23:48 Fri 04th Oct 2013
How do we know if he's saved us from it?
Faith is about believing without seeing. Even Doubting Thomas eventually believed!
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Cupid, no, you don’t have to answer – but you did. You are actually one of the people who claim Jesus is your salvation. Any chance of telling us what he has saved you from?
(Zac sits back and waits for what should be an interesting answer.....)
Jesus saved us from our sins, of course! Or, perhaps more accurately, didn't.

What changed according to the Bible is the need for all of those sheep and goat sacrifices vanished as Jesus was meant to count as the ultimate sacrifice. What a pity then that God didn't have that idea a couple of thousand years earlier and saved all those animals from their unpleasant role in a never-ending cycle of humans pretending to feel sorry for what they had doe, and then doing the same next week. At least now when it happens it can just be prayer.

But it does seem just a bit of an odd question to be asking. You don't believe in the initial premise in the first place, surely? -- and therefore all of the details that follow it you don't take seriously either. Maybe I think differently... it just seems weird to be concerned about the smaller elements of a big picture that you don't agree with or like or believe in or however it is you would put it. Similar "small-print" questions in a different context would be just as odd, I think.

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Hope you've brought a packed lunch, Zacs. You could be in for a long wait. :o)
Joko, that was th wasp god, the god of small stings :0)
Naomi, have noticed from previous debates on religion that you have studied the Bible and usually have all the answers. Therefore, surely you should know that Christians believe Jesus died on the cross to save them from eternal death by taking their sins upon Himself.
I was taught that it was all about saving us from Adam's transgression and the results of it, which included death, hell and sin. Trivial stuff really.
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cannedgranny, yes indeed. As I said elsewhere (and I’m quoting someone else) God sacrificed himself to himself to save us from himself. Strange none of the believers seem to think that’s odd. I mean, if God can do anything he wants to do, doesn’t it occur to anyone that he needn’t have bothered?
Ta for best answer N babes. I thought it kind of took your question, twisted it and gave an unanswerable proposition.
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You're welcome. It made me laugh. :o)
Unless he is my breakfast marmalade, thick cut please, he isn't.

Or may be he saved me from Robertson's Golliwog cheapo marmalades.

Praise be to Goodlife and the Yahwehs.
Cannedgranny, if jesus absolved everyone (no religious affiliation specified)of their sins then presumably no-one has to worry about the sins of the fathers 'cos they've all been taken away. It is interesting that jesus was inclusive but the subsequently invented churches are not. Would jesus have approved?... I doubt it.
There you are again with the answer Naomi, but I think God wants to save us for Himself not from Himself. I can understand why few theists want to join in these debates now. Too much ridicule and silly comments about marmalade etc etc.
It hasn't been necessary for Jesus to save me from anything yet (if he has then thanks) but if I could keep it as like playing the joker card later on I may appreciate it more then.
Ah, Cannedgranny, a bit like the non-logical or non-scientific toss spewed out by the religious zealots.

Thanks, your comment is so revealing of your blinkered position, based on a logic of nothing.
No, Cannedgranny, the reason that religionists so often drop out is that they suddenly come across a language which they are not trained in, its components being evidence, logic, argument, reason and commonsense. It puts them off because they're used to a world of comforting mantras, traditions and dogmas among those of a similar ilk. The challenge is too much for them.

Many times on this site I have asked what it is that believers will be saved from where I most certainly won't. What is to be my fate? Some are too embarrassed to talk of everlasting fires in this day and age (or realise just how cruel that would make their God). Whatever the reason, I have never had an answer.
Chakka25. You are right. The challenge is too much. To post on here if you actually believe in God is putting yourself open to ridicule and feels like being the coconut on the coconut shy as I have said before. Therefore I tend to be among those who stay away. The atheists seem to be always here to mock and attack anyone who is a Christian. I think if I were an atheist I would keep out of an area called Religion & Spirituality and concentrate on other things that I did believe in, but that's just me.

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