ChatterBank5 mins ago
Is God Cruel?
81 Answers
Is God really to blame for such suffering?
According to investigators, evidence was found in the wreckage that pointed to sabotage by a terrorist bomb. When men fight against one another to further their own selfish interests, should God be held responsible for the harm it may bring to others? No! It should be expected that humans would not be immune to the consequences of what they do. The apostle Paul wrote: “Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.” What is more, regarding the innocent victims of the cruel and irresponsible actions of others, says that “time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all.” Thus, a person may get hurt or even lose his life, not because God wants man to suffer but because, by chance, he is in the wrong place at the critical time.
Ecclesiastes 9:11( Galatians 6:7) Genesis 18:25)
If it were true that God causes children to die because he needs more angels in heaven, it would imply that he is unfeeling, even cruel. The Bible says otherwise. A compassionate father would not snatch a child away from its parents just so that he could enlarge his own family. Yet, no human parent has more compassion than GOD , whose dominant quality is love. His great love would never permit him to act in such a harsh way. (Job 34:10) (1 John 4:8) (ROMES.9.14-18)
According to investigators, evidence was found in the wreckage that pointed to sabotage by a terrorist bomb. When men fight against one another to further their own selfish interests, should God be held responsible for the harm it may bring to others? No! It should be expected that humans would not be immune to the consequences of what they do. The apostle Paul wrote: “Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.” What is more, regarding the innocent victims of the cruel and irresponsible actions of others, says that “time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all.” Thus, a person may get hurt or even lose his life, not because God wants man to suffer but because, by chance, he is in the wrong place at the critical time.
Ecclesiastes 9:11( Galatians 6:7) Genesis 18:25)
If it were true that God causes children to die because he needs more angels in heaven, it would imply that he is unfeeling, even cruel. The Bible says otherwise. A compassionate father would not snatch a child away from its parents just so that he could enlarge his own family. Yet, no human parent has more compassion than GOD , whose dominant quality is love. His great love would never permit him to act in such a harsh way. (Job 34:10) (1 John 4:8) (ROMES.9.14-18)
If I made an intelligent robot capable of making it's own decisions and it went off on a killing spree, should I be held responsible for the harm it brought to others ? I think most would say, "Yes," so why wouldn't a diety be held to the same (or great) level of responsibility ? It's buck passing at it's worst.
Concepts like cruelty are human creations, they may not be accepted by a diety anyway. It is no good human supports making up claims to justify this area, they can only preach to the already converted for only they would accept unquestionably.
Concepts like cruelty are human creations, they may not be accepted by a diety anyway. It is no good human supports making up claims to justify this area, they can only preach to the already converted for only they would accept unquestionably.
Goodlife, // Exactly what is sin?//
An evil concept constructed by cruel and perverse minds with the specific intention of instilling unfounded perceptions of guilt and shame into the psyche of the weak and vulnerable for the ‘sin’ of being human. 'Sin' is a hateful word that, unless under discussion, is stricken from my vocabulary.
An evil concept constructed by cruel and perverse minds with the specific intention of instilling unfounded perceptions of guilt and shame into the psyche of the weak and vulnerable for the ‘sin’ of being human. 'Sin' is a hateful word that, unless under discussion, is stricken from my vocabulary.
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Most people speculate endlessly about the future.
But most people would agree that it is unwise to ignore maps.
And yet the Bible is like a map that can help us to answer those questions. By carefully reading it—and by looking closely at what is happening outside your window on the world scene—you can learn much about where we are and where we are heading.
But First Naomi Before taking the first step down such a road, ask yourself, Where is this leading me.
But most people would agree that it is unwise to ignore maps.
And yet the Bible is like a map that can help us to answer those questions. By carefully reading it—and by looking closely at what is happening outside your window on the world scene—you can learn much about where we are and where we are heading.
But First Naomi Before taking the first step down such a road, ask yourself, Where is this leading me.
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Mark as Best Answer
Locusts, do you believe that your God created the universe and everything in it?
If you do, then it follows that he created evil - and disease. To claim otherwise is irrational.
locust// naomis24 Some may decry this action by God as cruel, but how else will wickedness be stopped? By rehabilitation? Society has spent millions trying this. The programs fail. Criminals turned loose from prison lapse into their old ways. They soon claim more victims. If the wicked refuse to reform, what is the solution? Can you have a rose garden in a weed patch, or chickens with foxes in the hen house, or a peaceful paradise with vandals running loose?
Locusts, I can’t watch your hour long video tonight – too late in the evening – but I’ll watch it tomorrow. In the meantime I will say that you’ve avoided addressing the fundamental issue. Had your God not created wickedness in the first place, it wouldn’t have existed and therefore, there would be nothing to stop.
naomi24 Mark as Best Answer
Locusts, I can’t watch your hour long video tonight – too late in the evening – but I’ll watch it tomorrow. In the meantime I will say that you’ve avoided addressing the fundamental issue. Had your God not created wickedness in the first place, it wouldn’t have existed and therefore, there would be nothing to stop.
locusts //naoma24 You think I am trying to avoid the question .- no
I have put instillation to you ,and you have not see where I am coming for from (I think )
so let me put it this way , and I will try to ex-plan to you my Thought and mind---- the scripture as well
1 God made thing prefix in the be gaining and ever thing was good - life in heaven -- and was good for the two people on earth , they did not won’t for nothing ,
Then you can say sum thing went wrong ??-the one called Satan (the chief of the fallen angels)
decided to go his -- way, and to be a law-- to him self , And brake his responsibility ..Unacceptable, so this meant his love for his create had gone .
2 . it is like a child deciding to cross the road not thinking what the danger is .
or a deserter how leaves his post -- he has (decided) became a traitor to his friend s
spear of the moment – no for the child yes But -But for Satan no why because he was prefix
spear of the moment first Disobedient to Pearson or doing what is prohibited
or the consequent this would have on the whole human race .mankind
He //Satan //just when is way ( and this is the start of the problems in the world )
He call god a lie-er -- and slander Gods Name
Now there as been a court case .but this -is with God and the angles in heaven , and they have seen what happen .
We have been told that this god (Satan )of the earth as been fond Guilty of lie - s and he will put in to the abyss- which miens death for the Genocide of the human race - mankind .
GOD permitted the issue to be joined. Not, however, because he was unsure of the righteousness of his own sovereignty. He needed nothing proved to himself. It was out of love for his intelligent creatures that he allowed time for the testing out of the matter. He permitted men to undergo a test by Satan, before all the universe. And he gave his creatures the privilege of proving the Devil a liar, and of removing the slander not only from God’s name but also from their own. Satan, in his egotistic attitude, was ‘given up to a disapproved mental state.’ In his approach to Eve, he had evidently been contradictory in his own reasoning. (Ro 1:28) For he was charging God with unfair, unrighteous exercise of sovereignty and, at the same time, was evidently counting on God’s fairness: He seemed to think that God would consider Himself obliged to let him live on if he proved his charge concerning the unfaithfulness of God’s creatures.
Locusts, I can’t watch your hour long video tonight – too late in the evening – but I’ll watch it tomorrow. In the meantime I will say that you’ve avoided addressing the fundamental issue. Had your God not created wickedness in the first place, it wouldn’t have existed and therefore, there would be nothing to stop.
locusts //naoma24 You think I am trying to avoid the question .- no
I have put instillation to you ,and you have not see where I am coming for from (I think )
so let me put it this way , and I will try to ex-plan to you my Thought and mind---- the scripture as well
1 God made thing prefix in the be gaining and ever thing was good - life in heaven -- and was good for the two people on earth , they did not won’t for nothing ,
Then you can say sum thing went wrong ??-the one called Satan (the chief of the fallen angels)
decided to go his -- way, and to be a law-- to him self , And brake his responsibility ..Unacceptable, so this meant his love for his create had gone .
2 . it is like a child deciding to cross the road not thinking what the danger is .
or a deserter how leaves his post -- he has (decided) became a traitor to his friend s
spear of the moment – no for the child yes But -But for Satan no why because he was prefix
spear of the moment first Disobedient to Pearson or doing what is prohibited
or the consequent this would have on the whole human race .mankind
He //Satan //just when is way ( and this is the start of the problems in the world )
He call god a lie-er -- and slander Gods Name
Now there as been a court case .but this -is with God and the angles in heaven , and they have seen what happen .
We have been told that this god (Satan )of the earth as been fond Guilty of lie - s and he will put in to the abyss- which miens death for the Genocide of the human race - mankind .
GOD permitted the issue to be joined. Not, however, because he was unsure of the righteousness of his own sovereignty. He needed nothing proved to himself. It was out of love for his intelligent creatures that he allowed time for the testing out of the matter. He permitted men to undergo a test by Satan, before all the universe. And he gave his creatures the privilege of proving the Devil a liar, and of removing the slander not only from God’s name but also from their own. Satan, in his egotistic attitude, was ‘given up to a disapproved mental state.’ In his approach to Eve, he had evidently been contradictory in his own reasoning. (Ro 1:28) For he was charging God with unfair, unrighteous exercise of sovereignty and, at the same time, was evidently counting on God’s fairness: He seemed to think that God would consider Himself obliged to let him live on if he proved his charge concerning the unfaithfulness of God’s creatures.
Locusts, you still haven’t addressed the fundamental issue. God created Satan and God created Satan’s ability to rebel. If that rebellion displeased God, who is allegedly omniscient, why create that ability in the first place? Read your explanation. Don’t you think this omniscient God was playing games? Such fun – to a twisted mind!
(Haven’t had time to watch your video – but I will – eventually).
(Haven’t had time to watch your video – but I will – eventually).
O.K. I am a hypocrite. I am an atheist and yet I take advantage of the things the local churches supply. I go to their film club, their lunch clubs (2) and their coffee mornings. The people who go to the church services are lovely. They are welcoming and they know I do not believe but they do not mind and they do not try to convert me. I knit for their charities and I give money to their collections because I believe I should give back some of what they are giving to me, not the least their companionship. I am amazed at their blind belief and yet I admire what they try to do to make life easier for those in need. I try to understand them but cannot. I have noticed that their prayers make them feel better and wonder if it supplies them with hope and optimism for the future. Personally I shall never believe because without blind faith I cannot.
naom24/Locusts, you still haven’t addressed the fundamental issue. God created Satan and God created Satan’s ability to rebel. If that rebellion displeased God, who is allegedly omniscient, why create that ability in the first place? Read your explanation. Don’t you think this omniscient God was playing games? Such fun – to a twisted mind!
locust // First and four most God did not create ( satin ) he created a prefix angle which was prefix in ever
way and had a high places in God arrangement in the heaven and was ever powerful and had
free will of mind to work in the garden of Eden over see Adam in that beautiful garden …
. But - But what Chang him and his love kind nests ?? he change him self -because of pride-Self-reliance
independence from god. - haughty nest with out love of goodness // So God had the right to challenge
the one call satin
It reminded me of the passage in the bible of Adam and eve - were Adam blamed
God of creating Eve // in the beginning // be for -when he was saying thanks to God for his wife. than when thing go wrong / he blames Gods //and its his fault for giving him this or that woman.
Adam wilful and deliberately chose to disobey and then as a criminal he tried to hide. When brought to trial, instead of showing sorrow or regret or asking for forgiveness, Adam attempted to justify himself and pass the responsibility off on others, even blaming Jehovah for his own wilful sin. “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree and so I ate.
The Scriptural account, therefore, makes it plain that it was Satan who spoke through the medium of a serpent, seducing Eve into disobedience to God’s command. In turn, Eve induced Adam to take the same rebellious course. (Ge 3:1-7; 2Co 11:3) As a consequence of Satan’s use of the serpent, the Bible gives Satan the title “Serpent,” which came to signify “deceiver”; he also became “the Tempter” (Mt 4:3) and a liar, “the father of the lie.”—Joh 8:44; Re 12:9.
1 God did not calls the problem
2 satin calls all is on problem by disobedience
3 Aden and eve had wilful broke God law disobey---disobedient and Chang there way of life
4 just like people to day they will calls a problem and try to blame sum one else
that s last word on the subject
locust // First and four most God did not create ( satin ) he created a prefix angle which was prefix in ever
way and had a high places in God arrangement in the heaven and was ever powerful and had
free will of mind to work in the garden of Eden over see Adam in that beautiful garden …
. But - But what Chang him and his love kind nests ?? he change him self -because of pride-Self-reliance
independence from god. - haughty nest with out love of goodness // So God had the right to challenge
the one call satin
It reminded me of the passage in the bible of Adam and eve - were Adam blamed
God of creating Eve // in the beginning // be for -when he was saying thanks to God for his wife. than when thing go wrong / he blames Gods //and its his fault for giving him this or that woman.
Adam wilful and deliberately chose to disobey and then as a criminal he tried to hide. When brought to trial, instead of showing sorrow or regret or asking for forgiveness, Adam attempted to justify himself and pass the responsibility off on others, even blaming Jehovah for his own wilful sin. “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree and so I ate.
The Scriptural account, therefore, makes it plain that it was Satan who spoke through the medium of a serpent, seducing Eve into disobedience to God’s command. In turn, Eve induced Adam to take the same rebellious course. (Ge 3:1-7; 2Co 11:3) As a consequence of Satan’s use of the serpent, the Bible gives Satan the title “Serpent,” which came to signify “deceiver”; he also became “the Tempter” (Mt 4:3) and a liar, “the father of the lie.”—Joh 8:44; Re 12:9.
1 God did not calls the problem
2 satin calls all is on problem by disobedience
3 Aden and eve had wilful broke God law disobey---disobedient and Chang there way of life
4 just like people to day they will calls a problem and try to blame sum one else
that s last word on the subject