Crosswords55 mins ago
Is God Cruel?
81 Answers
Is God really to blame for such suffering?
According to investigators, evidence was found in the wreckage that pointed to sabotage by a terrorist bomb. When men fight against one another to further their own selfish interests, should God be held responsible for the harm it may bring to others? No! It should be expected that humans would not be immune to the consequences of what they do. The apostle Paul wrote: “Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.” What is more, regarding the innocent victims of the cruel and irresponsible actions of others, says that “time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all.” Thus, a person may get hurt or even lose his life, not because God wants man to suffer but because, by chance, he is in the wrong place at the critical time.
Ecclesiastes 9:11( Galatians 6:7) Genesis 18:25)
If it were true that God causes children to die because he needs more angels in heaven, it would imply that he is unfeeling, even cruel. The Bible says otherwise. A compassionate father would not snatch a child away from its parents just so that he could enlarge his own family. Yet, no human parent has more compassion than GOD , whose dominant quality is love. His great love would never permit him to act in such a harsh way. (Job 34:10) (1 John 4:8) (ROMES.9.14-18)
According to investigators, evidence was found in the wreckage that pointed to sabotage by a terrorist bomb. When men fight against one another to further their own selfish interests, should God be held responsible for the harm it may bring to others? No! It should be expected that humans would not be immune to the consequences of what they do. The apostle Paul wrote: “Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.” What is more, regarding the innocent victims of the cruel and irresponsible actions of others, says that “time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all.” Thus, a person may get hurt or even lose his life, not because God wants man to suffer but because, by chance, he is in the wrong place at the critical time.
Ecclesiastes 9:11( Galatians 6:7) Genesis 18:25)
If it were true that God causes children to die because he needs more angels in heaven, it would imply that he is unfeeling, even cruel. The Bible says otherwise. A compassionate father would not snatch a child away from its parents just so that he could enlarge his own family. Yet, no human parent has more compassion than GOD , whose dominant quality is love. His great love would never permit him to act in such a harsh way. (Job 34:10) (1 John 4:8) (ROMES.9.14-18)
locusts @ True, few people today have a deep, abiding trust in Jehovah God. Some do not even believe that he exists.
But watching this video, all it is doing is causing more confusion. Even these so called intellectuals have no idea. At the end of the day, to them it is still all theory.
True Christian see that the conditions on earth have never been more dangerous. Political leaders acknowledge this fact. Anarchy and violence are mushrooming around the earth. Even from the worldly viewpoint, the present system of things is racing downhill fast, and is in danger of destruction in the foreseeable future. But from God’s viewpoint, where does this system stand? Jehovah declares that he will smash it to pieces while it is still a ‘going concern.’ (Dan. 2:44, 45) That will need to be very soon, so fast are things deteriorating in this age of crime and terror.
But watching this video, all it is doing is causing more confusion. Even these so called intellectuals have no idea. At the end of the day, to them it is still all theory.
True Christian see that the conditions on earth have never been more dangerous. Political leaders acknowledge this fact. Anarchy and violence are mushrooming around the earth. Even from the worldly viewpoint, the present system of things is racing downhill fast, and is in danger of destruction in the foreseeable future. But from God’s viewpoint, where does this system stand? Jehovah declares that he will smash it to pieces while it is still a ‘going concern.’ (Dan. 2:44, 45) That will need to be very soon, so fast are things deteriorating in this age of crime and terror.
Goodlife, //Jehovah declares that he will smash it to pieces while it is still a ‘going concern.’
(Dan. 2:44, 45)
locusts// In daniels passage 2/44.45 He is talking about the Kings
English Standard Version (ESV) 44 And in the days of those kings ???
New King James Version (NKJV) 44 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven
will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed;
which King ??
now we are talking about the future a time to come
1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) 45 what shall come to pass
The Message (MSG) 45 know what will happen in the years to come.
(Matthew 6:10) Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.
now we are talking about the IMAGE
Nebuchadnezzar ,s reign as world ruler (606/605BCE ) God sent him a terrifying dream
of a image which was made of ??( the image //are world powers)
but – but what do all this meaning // gold .silver copper iron moulded clay
do you have a anwser please
(Dan. 2:44, 45)
locusts// In daniels passage 2/44.45 He is talking about the Kings
English Standard Version (ESV) 44 And in the days of those kings ???
New King James Version (NKJV) 44 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven
will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed;
which King ??
now we are talking about the future a time to come
1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) 45 what shall come to pass
The Message (MSG) 45 know what will happen in the years to come.
(Matthew 6:10) Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.
now we are talking about the IMAGE
Nebuchadnezzar ,s reign as world ruler (606/605BCE ) God sent him a terrifying dream
of a image which was made of ??( the image //are world powers)
but – but what do all this meaning // gold .silver copper iron moulded clay
do you have a anwser please
naomi24// Locusts, you still haven’t addressed the fundamental issue. God created Satan and God created Satan’s ability to rebel. If that rebellion displeased God, who is allegedly omniscient, why create that ability in the first place? Read your explanation. Don’t you think this omniscient God was playing games? Such fun – to a twisted mind!
Let me but the same question to you , if is god have give you mean good gifts / ability. //would you like them taking a way for you // no I don’t think so// he create all the good gift s / ability in the first place /
not the bad things , all the ability satin had was good to start with .he took all good ability and twisted them for self Resentment / UN godly acts / to a twisted mind of Adam and eve // god did not twisted the mind of the human pair / just one law which they brook .
Names of God Bible (NOG) 31 And Elohim saw everything that he had made and that it was very good. There was evening, then morning—the sixth day.
31 God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. Evening came and then morning: the sixth day.
Genesis 1
Holman Christian Standard Bible
31 God saw all that He had made, and it was very good .
in the bible s /I look at it s say it was good //and not prefix and when referring to man //God created in my image // that man had the ability to reason //Analyse//take these three ingredient away/no free dome / then you have a robot.
Let me but the same question to you , if is god have give you mean good gifts / ability. //would you like them taking a way for you // no I don’t think so// he create all the good gift s / ability in the first place /
not the bad things , all the ability satin had was good to start with .he took all good ability and twisted them for self Resentment / UN godly acts / to a twisted mind of Adam and eve // god did not twisted the mind of the human pair / just one law which they brook .
Names of God Bible (NOG) 31 And Elohim saw everything that he had made and that it was very good. There was evening, then morning—the sixth day.
31 God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. Evening came and then morning: the sixth day.
Genesis 1
Holman Christian Standard Bible
31 God saw all that He had made, and it was very good .
in the bible s /I look at it s say it was good //and not prefix and when referring to man //God created in my image // that man had the ability to reason //Analyse//take these three ingredient away/no free dome / then you have a robot.
Locusts, you don’t seem to be grasping this concept. Do you believe that God created everything? If you do, then it follows that he created the good … and the bad. If you say the bad is as a result of free will, ask yourself who created ‘free will’? Had God not created that, the bad wouldn’t have existed. There’s little point in quoting the bible – that proves nothing. This is a question of logic.
naomi24//Locusts, you don’t seem to be grasping this concept. Do you believe that God created everything? If you do, then it follows that he created the good … and the bad. If you say the bad is as a result of free will, ask yourself who created ‘free will’? Had God not created that, the bad wouldn’t have existed. There’s little point in quoting the bible – that proves nothing. This is a question of logic.
Do you take me some fool/with out the power of knowledge how has now drain /I look be for I jump /be for I answer your question with reason // I look for a /answer ??
I try answer your question with logic and Reasoning.
First I look at the passage first //and this is what I fin d
1/ God plane ed two tree in the garden / yes two tree /yes /
the tree of life //you can eat /LIFE. which life saving .
God give you wisdom knowledge Reasoning.
http:// www.web ster-di ctionar efiniti on/know ledge Related Words
/ LIFE/ Reasoning/ working out/ Action/knowledge./ Anxiety/
2 The tree of good and bad / what do it say / not good for you .it is a slow poison ./ You have been told /worn d. ////you have the fee will //eat and die.
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Genesis 2/ 9 And out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight or to be desired—good (suitable, pleasant) for food; the tree of life also in the centre of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of [the difference between] good and evil and blessing and calamity.
1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
Genesis 2/ 9 (For out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree pleasant to the sight, and good for meat: the [j]tree of life also in the midst of the garden, [k]and the tree of knowledge of good and of evil.
Expanded Bible (EXB)
Genesis 2 9 The Lord God caused every ·beautiful [L desirous to see] tree and every tree that was good for food to grow out of the ground. In the middle of the garden, God put the tree ·that gives life [T of life] and also the tree ·that gives the knowledge [T of the knowledge] of good and evil.
There are many people in the world who feel that somehow God is to blame for the plight of the human family. They may feel that when God made the first man he knew what the outcome would be and, for that reason, the sin, suffering, wars and death that overwhelm humankind are a part of his will. When death takes a loved one, they resignedly say, “It is the will of God.” And many calamities are termed “acts of God.” But the Bible clearly shows that God is not to blame.
Did created the good .no. it was there /all reedy there / because of knowledge /wisdom '
Did created the bad. No it was there because / logic./ Reasoning. You chose your life cores/ bad or good it s up to you .
In those three bible revs lye s your answer (logic )
Do you take me some fool/with out the power of knowledge how has now drain /I look be for I jump /be for I answer your question with reason // I look for a /answer ??
I try answer your question with logic and Reasoning.
First I look at the passage first //and this is what I fin d
1/ God plane ed two tree in the garden / yes two tree /yes /
the tree of life //you can eat /LIFE. which life saving .
God give you wisdom knowledge Reasoning.
/ LIFE/ Reasoning/ working out/ Action/knowledge./ Anxiety/
2 The tree of good and bad / what do it say / not good for you .it is a slow poison ./ You have been told /worn d. ////you have the fee will //eat and die.
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Genesis 2/ 9 And out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight or to be desired—good (suitable, pleasant) for food; the tree of life also in the centre of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of [the difference between] good and evil and blessing and calamity.
1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
Genesis 2/ 9 (For out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree pleasant to the sight, and good for meat: the [j]tree of life also in the midst of the garden, [k]and the tree of knowledge of good and of evil.
Expanded Bible (EXB)
Genesis 2 9 The Lord God caused every ·beautiful [L desirous to see] tree and every tree that was good for food to grow out of the ground. In the middle of the garden, God put the tree ·that gives life [T of life] and also the tree ·that gives the knowledge [T of the knowledge] of good and evil.
There are many people in the world who feel that somehow God is to blame for the plight of the human family. They may feel that when God made the first man he knew what the outcome would be and, for that reason, the sin, suffering, wars and death that overwhelm humankind are a part of his will. When death takes a loved one, they resignedly say, “It is the will of God.” And many calamities are termed “acts of God.” But the Bible clearly shows that God is not to blame.
Did created the good .no. it was there /all reedy there / because of knowledge /wisdom '
Did created the bad. No it was there because / logic./ Reasoning. You chose your life cores/ bad or good it s up to you .
In those three bible revs lye s your answer (logic )
Man today is well acquainted with rule and government, for all his experience, and what have we got, not a lot.
Yet when we talk of man’s rule giving way to something else, the question arises, Can there be any other kind of rule over the whole earth than man’s rule?
The evolutionist and the materialist will emphatically answer No! and atheist well they stubbornly blind themselves to the facts of history.
Yes, we can see the areas where the world has gradually poisoned them spirituality.
Yet when we talk of man’s rule giving way to something else, the question arises, Can there be any other kind of rule over the whole earth than man’s rule?
The evolutionist and the materialist will emphatically answer No! and atheist well they stubbornly blind themselves to the facts of history.
Yes, we can see the areas where the world has gradually poisoned them spirituality.
//Yes, we can see the areas where the world has gradually poisoned them spirituality.//
Yes we can . . . http:// otobuck albums/ rr190/l eavingw t/churc hsign2. jpg
Yes we can . . . http://
Once the dinosaurs held dominion over the earth, then came Mankind, and next, I fear, some insect based life-form. After we have wiped ourselves out by polluting our world there will be a gap needing to be filled.
God was wise when he directed Noah to put so many different creatures on the Ark so that there would be some creature available in any eventuality. I think it will probably be a cockroach based creature that will be the next to rule the earth.
God was wise when he directed Noah to put so many different creatures on the Ark so that there would be some creature available in any eventuality. I think it will probably be a cockroach based creature that will be the next to rule the earth.
naomi24/Locusts, //The tree of good and bad / what do it say / not good for you .it is a slow poison ./ You have been told /worn d. ////you have the fee will //eat and die.//
The bottom line. Who created the tree containing the poison?
Locusts,// What is good and what is bad //was it the tree
first lets think of what is bad
Bad good
running and jumping of cliff with out parachutist love parson
going up the motorway on the way down lane love for follow humans
the law say do not enter / Danger love for friend s
do not steel kindness
do not kill doing right thing for your neighbour
driving with out lights giving to help people
and many many moor trying to save sum one life
diving a car with out brakes and many moor
how do you know /they are bad how do you know that this right
for what reason are they //Bad why are they good.
now take away the three most in portion ingredient
reasoning knowledge and logic
what have you got /?????????????
A- Motor way was created by a designer and he made it so we could drive/ in safety /and there were put in to place / for safe /Regulation /Restrictive Prohibitive/ Inadmissible
.. what happen when you break these Regulation
I have give you the answer three time s now you do t seem to be looking in the right place
Locusts, you haven't given me the answer three times. You've given me the reason, as you see it, three times - which is not what I asked for. However, now you concede that God did indeed create your metaphorical tree, which you describe as a road, but imagine if there had been no tree. No 'sin', no evil. A perfect world. Why do you think an omniscient God made that tree - knowing what would happen before he started?
naomi//Locusts, you haven't given me the answer three times. You've given me the reason, as you see it, three times - which is not what I asked for.
answer 1 the designer// God create the tree and planed of life Genesis 2 '9
answer 2 the designer/ God / then created and planed the tree of good/Bad Genesis 2 , 9
answer 3 the designer of a motorway was God
Naomi//Locusts, However, now you concede that God did indeed create your metaphorical tree, which you describe as a road, Why do you think an omniscient God made that
Naomi/ but imagine if there had been no tree. No 'sin', no evil. A perfect world.
Locusts/ Yes that would seem to solve the problem // but we are forgetting one thing /
/what happing when you take a way the two tree .you have no knowledge//the first was knowledge // and the second tree was the / knowledge ?? / of the tree of good and bad
you have tree today /how do you know .. metaphorical tree .s,//may be lost in time/ like the Dinosaur / Dinosaur ???
God create /designer /the tree of life //first //not the tree of Bad ,,that was last./ yes last./why / for the ability to Reasoning. Knowledge . to give the freedom //just one law /was that to to much.
God / then / designer/ created the tree of good / then Bad to help you . Reason with life problems / that is freedom to do what we like with life with out braking that one law that was give to protect are life with understanding. For knowledge of understand . Good and bad , the tree of life was created first / life. /was gift. First/ to give us the ability to understand the working of life /and the eating of the fruit. Feed ability to understand working of knowledge
when /designer/ creating/ tree the life /he God// gave you the ability and attribute of a good life if you follow the rules . just one law.
Do you obey the the rules of the designer create of motor way or disobey them
the freedom is your ,decision ,judgement , decide is yours //you make up your one s mind that is what it for ,take away knowledge then you became zombie or a animal with out Reasoning.
All this is a wast of time because you do not believe in Al′pha and the O·me′ga
OK. You say there were two trees (that's arguable), but that still doesn't explain why God felt it necessary to create evil. Without the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, man would have kept God's rules. No problem. You're right. I don't believe in the Alpha and Omega, but that doesn't preclude me from driving well - without a backseat driver.