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Would The Discovery Of Alien Life End Religion?

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ukanonymous | 14:53 Fri 24th Jul 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
39 Answers
Well would it?


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John 14:2 clearly illustrates that the Cosmos if full of alien life. In my father's house there are many mansions
15:00 Fri 24th Jul 2015
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If David Attenborough, standing in the Grand Canyon, can't shift people irrational beliefs in Sky Gods, than I can't think what will !

Although the Scientologists will be delighted ! Over the moon in fact !

No, It will get some new ones started, would think.
They have already been discovered, driving up and down our street with their boombox full blast that made the windows vibrate, until the council put in a judderbar.

If any Aliens were to look down upon us what would they think? People destroying their own environment. Swarms of people being killed for their beliefs or possessions. The list goes on.

Never mind the end of religion. The Aliens will probably end Life on Earth as an experimental astronomical failure.
No ! because believers are in a state of denial . They don't want to face reality so nothing will change.
I will worship whatever can get me out of here. Bring on the loading ships lets go see. Maybe go and mess up another world.
Just leave my sky gods alone mikey footie starts up again soon.
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Togo....LOL !

By the way, I am not the most keen football fan in the world, and it seems to me that football, like the poor is always with us !
Does anyone know exactly what is said, in ancient Greek, in John 14:2 ?

ie, not translated into any other language.
Morning. Ok mikey. Documentary progs are acceptable though aren't they?
The translation of 14:2 seems to have one for however you are feeling - please see below -
Try this link mikey sandy has done most of it. can you still read Greek?
ukbod....It seems from your link, that this passage from the Bible can be interpreted in many different ways, because there are different translations of the exact words used. I am not sure what language was used in the very first version of this bit of text...Aramaic or Greek I suspect.

But dwelling places, rooms, lodgings and mansions are not the same thing at all !
Togo....I am getting nowhere with your link...not sure what is wrong ?

I do not speak Ancient Greek, but I have a close friend who is fluent, so I will ask her later.
Birdie, isn't the beauty of these texts that they are open to interpretation? I'm hardly being dishonest in reading this one as confirmation the existence of sentient beings on other worlds.
The mansions are actually hostels for extremely frustrated virgins.
All they get delivered these days is jihadi Soup In A Bag.
Like a sort of food bank? douglas
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