Tamborine – I believe that you do not have any reason to be afraid of the people you are friend with right now. No one will try killing you.
Khandro – I agree with part of what you said at 00:12 but I do not agree that moderate people are not doing enough. And I have no idea what else anyone can do in this regard. I, personally have had experiences here on this site where people want me to condemn a murder committed by ONE individual hidden behind a mask but the same people are not willing to condemn women and children killed by USA, Israel etc. If you ask me as a moderate Muslim (few will even argue about me calling myself moderate) then all I would say that I hope first of all Western govts look at their foreign policies and their intervention in certain countries in the name their INTERESTS . What about the interest of the people of those countries? Almost all of the most hardcore terrorists have had some sorts of links with Western agencies. Why? But the problem is that the same people who would like me to condemn these *** would turn against me if I tell them that where these *** are coming from. And of course Western invasion of a few countries in recent year has provided reasons to few people.
Then what do you call a moderate Muslim? I believe a Muslim who believes and act upon what Quran says is better than what you call a moderate Muslim. But the problem is that many people oppose Quran without even knowing what it says or the twist words according to their own wishes. Otherwise I know what my religion tells me and here are few things Islam tells me to do or not to do even when I am at war.
Do not kill women, children, people who are sick, priests of other religions, anyone who surrender, do not even kill animals, do not chase and kill anyone who runs away from battlefield, do not cut trees, do not demolish places of worship of other religions, and do not force people to change their religion, and treat captives nicely.
Don’t forget that these are the words from that time when no one would care about these things when they would invade another country. Now you tell me if you would rather have me acting upon these things or ignoring them? And finally do answer my one question. What do you think about Islam after the actions of say, ISIS? And before you answer that question I will answer it myself. I would hate Islam if that is what Islam teaches. And that is exactly the mission given to these people.