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Welby: We Need To Understand What Jihadists Are Talking About

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naomi24 | 07:20 Fri 30th Sep 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
92 Answers
//It is becoming “essential” to grasp the logic of people driven by an obsessive belief that the end of the world is nigh//

They're not.

//It’s very difficult to understand the things that impel people to some of the dreadful actions that we have seen over the last few years unless you have some sense of religious literacy.//

That’s true – and he doesn’t.


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Naomi, I apologise for momentarily going off-topic but I hadn't realised Nigel Farage had said this of Welby two weeks ago:-

Mr Farage accused the Archbishop of failing to do his job properly, claiming he had not adequately protected Christian values in the UK.

He said: "It's a great shame that the head of our established church is not actually prepared to stand up and fight for our Christian culture in this country.

"He's somebody else who should go too."

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ag, no apology necessary. Do you have a link?
// “You may reject and condemn it – that’s fine – but you still need to understand what they’re talking about.”// Justin Welby MD

I didnt think the article too bad

some interesting thoughts as you would expect from an archbishop

I hadnt looked on johadists as millenarial -
but I have to say I havent talked to many jihadists
I looked on them as stupid gullible alienated young men

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Farage has a point, but I don't think Justin Welby, as a Christian, is alone in his attitude. Many Christians, although ignorant of Islam, harbour similar apologist notions.
And there was me thinking Peter was a poly(rather than pseudo)math.

Don't understand the well doctrine of "struggle in the cause of Allah" then Peter?
well documented/discussed/explained doctrine of jihad - by the Islamic jurists and commentators who happen to be the real experts on Islam. Amateurs like me sometimes quote from them.
I read the fatwa issued by a body (several dozen) of Egyptian (possibly other) clerics when ISIS first emerged. No part of the denunciation of ISIS was a criticism of their aims (or even their methods). The denunciation was based on the definition of who is a caliph (not Al-Baghdadi) and what defines the difference between defensive and offensive jihad.

Remember that document, Peter?
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birdie1971 - //You make such statements and then squirm when challenged about them. You're doing it now. Tragic. //

You are labouring under the misapprehension that I honestly care in the slightest what you think of me – I can assure you I don’t.

I have the same opinion of your views as you have of mine – which is my entitlement, much though it irks you.

And I assure you I don’t ‘squirm’ – what a very strange way you have of viewing people.
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I repeat the observation I made at 08:06 Sat re: andy-hughes' attitude. It becomes increasingly bizarre.

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