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Mediums, Psychics And Ghosts

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phleb | 01:03 Thu 05th Apr 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
133 Answers
Hi, How many of you believe in mediums and psychics? Do you believe ghosts exist? How does the Ouija Board work? How can a board with a few numbers and letters call a spirit? Is there life after death? Do we meet our family who have gone before us? thanks


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For me it is all hokum.

I have been to ghost hunts where we have even done the ouija boards, deveined with crystals and stood in the dark calling for the spirits to answer.

Some people there were convinced there were spirits present. The tab curtains moved and swayed on their own, the bump from the room above couldn't have been any living person, the ouija board moved to spell out a message, the camera set up outside picked up floating lights.

Well, the curtains swayed because the draft from the back door is notorious and for some reason it swirls up and over the tabs before coming down the other side of the stage. So you don't really feel it sitting on the stage.

When you are in a 300 year old poorly maintained building the place creeks and groans all the time. You just notice it more in the dead of night.

For some inexplicable reason the ouija answered a made up random question I asked. !! Did I influence the answer or did one of the mediums?

When we went out to look at where the floaters were there was a lot of fluffy tree pollen wafting about catching and occasionally reflecting the light from the moon and security lights.

But over half those present (mediums not withstanding) were convinced it had all been done by ghosts and spirits.

You only have to watch those brain game videos where it shows your brain believes something is true when in fact it isn't. Because the brain compensates. Those that have 'seen things' believe they have seen them but it doesn't mean it is true.

Having said that I do think things happen that AT PRESENT we don't understand how they happen. Given time almost everything will be known. We might get very bored by then not having much to ponder but I think it will be a long time coming lol
Just seen a Ghost! Honest, guys. On the lives of all those i hold dear.

Ghost runs in the 5.20 Wol @ 9/2 :-) And, for those who do believe, you could double it up with I'm A Believer in the 3.45.
murraymints, you seem to have missed my question so I'll repeat it. I really would like to know what you're talking about.

// I do find the latter term insulting to a person of intelligence and religious belief...//

What latter term?
Maybe yes maybe no. I sit on the fence. I find the notion that these sort of things are real quite exciting and anyone who categoriaclly states "load of old rubbish" to be a bit of a spoil sport!
Finishing ANYTHING with the expression "end of" to me is both bossy and dictatorial.
it doesn't it's all fakery
see above
I agree with the Malachite re 'end of', but writing ANYTHING in capitals is equally annoying.
People should REALLY stop using CAPITALS to EMPHASISE RANDOM WORDS in their sentences. End of.
Capitalisation is used for emphasis. Sometimes as a shout but also because so often things get missed on this site and the trivial thing is pounced on like a rabid dog but the really important point is overlooked.

And as this thread seems to have slipped into "what annouys me" here's mine... what really gets my goat are those that point out other people's spelling or grammatical mistakes as if they are oh so superior. And then try to make out they can't understand the question or point because of it. More often than not the point is easily identified within the context of the thread or a simple request for clarification would surefice.
Wouldn't be an issue of we could edit our own posts.
I remember when we could write in colour. Sigh.
I suspect what prompted this question by Phleb is the fact she recently lost her cousin to liver failure.The time it was posted suggests she's grieving.
Haha :-) There is no italic function here as far as I know and I got told off once for putting a pair of asterisks around a word to add emphasis ...ya can't win!
No, no italics at all :-(
As I'm a big fan of the TV show 'Supernatural' if some of those Creatures, Ghost, Demons, Angels etc... were real I'd prefer ignorance ;-)

More seriously though my belief is there is an after life, what ever that may be? As for other question in the OP

Mediums... Nope
Psychics... A little deja-vu
Ghosts... Yep
Ouija Board... nope

I don't believe any of those Yvette Fielding type shows though, It seems to me as false as the above mentioned 'Supernatural' TV show.
OG ...did you do that using an HTML command? I thought there was no HTML here.
> And as this thread seems to have slipped into "what annouys me" here's mine... what really gets my goat are those that point out other people's spelling or grammatical mistakes as if they are oh so superior. And then try to make out they can't understand the question or point because of it. More often than not the point is easily identified within the context of the thread or a simple request for clarification would surefice.


Sorry, the ghoulies made me do it!
Oh no! Ellipsis has been grabbed by the ghoulies!
Badoom, tisch ... :D
Sorry, couldn't resist. :o)
I'm with you mm, totally. I once asked my deceased Dad for a message when I was at a very low ebb indeed and all I will say, because I agree with Mamya here when she says 'hold it close,' is that he sent me one and it was truly wonderful and I do indeed hold it close and always will. Thank you darling Dad. I definitely believe in spirits and the afterlife, but I have never tried a ouija board and never will.

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