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Theland | 21:33 Wed 20th Feb 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
34 Answers
I don't want to pop my clogs and miss out on obituaries.

So to give me a flavour of what will be written, any chance of letting me know now what will be said?

So come on, the nice ones, the horrible ones, the funny ones, the ridiculing ones, the insulting ones.

Fill yer boots mourners. Give me your best and worst.

And no offence taken - I will be dead!


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Here lies Theland ...
Question Author
I am guessing this may happen:-

Remembering Theland, always stole the toilet seats wherever he went, and took his pick of the coats from the cloakroom.
He always shoved his hand down the back of the couch looking for loose change, a true entrenpaneur.
He will be missed for, er, well, something, and going to the loo will be a more pleasant experience with him not around.
I hope his many sins are forgiven.
I read your posts
Disagree with most
Hope you get on well
with your new host

Wasn't that the front cover of Private Eye about the funeral of Maxwell post the Ghislaine disaster, Naomi?

"Here lies Robert Maxwell - he always did in life."
He tried to help others, his intentions were good.
Alas, The road to **** is paved with good intentions.
Rest well dear Theland your worries are no longer
Relevant, now you know, life is but a dream.
Haha! Was it v_e? I didn't know that. And there's me thinking I'm being smart. Oh well ...... :o)
Are you going to leave all your millions to your favourite cat?

It is always good to inject humour into an obituary or eulogy. It's too late for me to think of something.
I hope he was right.....
Naomi, if I may complete your epitaph ...

. . . of make believe.
"I told you he was ill."
Here lies Theland, after one too many Fosters.
He rests his head
Now he's dead
Which way he goes
No-one knows
Like most eulogies seem to say - near perfect now dead :-)
erm as a Pedant - can I say that these are epitaphs ( writ on a tombstone ) and not obituraries which are longer ...

Theland now knows if he was right or not ....

Theland - the bible is all at sea: I really cd do a better job of writing it myself - come to think of it - I will !

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