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Islam, Christianity Or Atheism?

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Khandro | 17:06 Mon 09th Dec 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
211 Answers
With the UK heading towards being a Muslim country by 2050 (probably before). Which of these alternatives would you prefer to live under?
The choice though, as things stand, appears to be hypothetical, I'm afraid.


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//How does me believing in life after death affect anybody else in any way, shape or form ?//

It doesn't, hereIam - not at all - at least not in the gentle, kind, loving way that you believe it. Nothing amiss with that.

The problem arises when other people who believe in life after death have the gall to issue dire warnings of what they believe will befall anyone who doesn't think the same way as them - that they're ripe for punishment and heading either for oblivion or hell. Those people are dangerous.
Retro wasn't "picked on". He made a ham-fisted and transparent attempt to pick on somebody else, and was noticed.
Khandro, why do you think this will be a Muslim country? It has never happened so far...
Imo, any belief is fine, until it starts affecting somebody else. Atheism has to be the safest, as the principles and morals only relate to humanity, and not worshipping or bizarre rules.
In my opinion retro was picked on.

Thank you naomi x
hereIam - // In my opinion retro was picked on. //

In my opinion, you are seeing what you want to see - but let's not waste any more time diverting the thread if we can help it, shall we?
It won't be Islam just yet. But seeing as how fast it has spread it's possible this country will succumb some time or other in the far distant future
pixie - // Khandro, why do you think this will be a Muslim country? It has never happened so far... //

Of course not - there is something called the indigenous population to be disposed of first!

People who mutter darkly about a 'Muslim takeover' clearly don't look around them at the world in which they live.

Isis was formed in the early 1980's. Given that they clearly have the sufficient numbers of Muslims around the world to mount a 'takeover' - and that means all of it, not just this little island, then they appear to be taking their sweet time about it!

Unless of course the vast majority of Muslims simply want to get on with their lives, and are not interested in 'taking over' anywhere?

There's a thought!
emmie - // It won't be Islam just yet. But seeing as how fast it has spread it's possible this country will succumb some time or other in the far distant future //

When I was a child, we lived under the shadow of the threat of nuclear war, and the 'takeover' by the Russians.

That didn't happen either!

Some people just love to frighten themselves, and the gullible around them.
i look around me and don't like what i see, large swathes of people who have seemingly no interest in being part of UK, our area and many like it are worse than downtown Islamabad, shops that don't cater for me or mine.... sorry but this is the way many areas are going.
emmie - // our area and many like it are worse than downtown Islamabad … //

When did you get back?
very funny, not. You only have to be here and see for your self, why should i have to explain it any further.
emmie - // very funny, not. You only have to be here and see for your self, why should i have to explain it any further. //

I don't have to 'be there and see it for myself', I already live in one of the most culturally diverse cities outside of London.

The difference is, I don't see people living with others who share their language and culture, and shops opening to serve those communities, as being some sort of 'takeover'.

Cities all over the world have immigrant areas, that's the nature of the way people move, settle, and put down roots.

Try seeing people as simply different, rather than dangerous.
Islam doesn’t have sufficient numbers or facilities or leadership to wage physical war on the world - the idea is ludicrous - but this isn’t about waging war on the world. This is about the West’s complacency which is enabling Islam to infiltrate Europe by stealth thereby potentially facilitating its success.
emmie - There are more Jews living in New York than in Palestine, do you hear the Americans moaning about 'takeover'?
naomi - // Islam doesn’t have sufficient numbers or facilities or leadership to wage physical war on the world - the idea is ludicrous - but this isn’t about waging war on the world. This is about the West’s complacency which is enabling Islam to infiltrate Europe by stealth thereby potentially facilitating its success. //

That viewpoint presupposes that Islam is trying to 'infiltrate Europe by stealth …' which strikes me as somewhat paranoid, and to date, devoid of meaningful evidence.
as i said earlier i am an atheist and have no church leanings whatsoever, but more churches are disappearing and some being turned into mosques, rather they were closed down.

Many Americans do moan about immigration, why do you think Donald Trump became President.
building a wall to keep out the illegals, ring a bell?
AH, it isn’t with the Jews remit to ‘take over’ and as someone who isn’t aware of that it’s no surprise that you regard the rest as irrelevant.
Growing up I mainly only mixed with Irish people. That's what people do. Mix with your own. Wealth started making us move to different areas.
naomi - // AH, it isn’t with the Jews remit to ‘take over’ and as someone who isn’t aware of that it’s no surprise that you regard the rest as irrelevant. //

I am perfectly aware of that - and again I am going to point out that in my view, you are once again being arrogant in assuming what I know or don't know with no evidence beyond your own superiority complex.

If you feel 'attacked', don't bother to tell me about it, as you are keen to advise, your problems are your own.

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