Mozz, //I get the feeling this is the only time of day we can talk like civil people without others coming on and throwing abuse around!//
Practice what you preach. You kicked this thread off with an unprovoked swipe at me - and it’s not the first by a long way.
Theland, //Do you want me to interpret scripture to suit the mood? //
You do.
//Does scripture have to accommodate the current societal thinking?//
Absolutely it does. If you didn’t accept that it must be interpreted to suit current societal thinking, you’d have done as your loving and compassionate God commanded and put your homosexual son to death.
//Tomus42 - When Christ was tested by Satan in the desert, He could have compromised the scriptures and He did not.
Is a servant greater than his Master?//
Sanctimonious hogwash.
//On the subject of homosexuality, that has been in the past a burden to my son, but no longer and that for many years.//
How did he reconcile it?
//The pursuit of unfettered material gain, complete hedonism, total moral autonomy, all are possible, but none can keep to the promise of happiness and fulfillment when we, human beings, were designed for something far superior.//
You don’t object to a bit of material gain if it benefits you - and I’d back my moral code against yours - or your God’s - any day.