Theland - // You have demonstrated time again that you are concerned with how much scripture you read, bit have little understanding. //
There are some on here who believe that they can quantify a level of understanding - or indeed a lack of it - based entirely on reading posts offered.
I think this is not possible - because understanding is not as quantifiable concept, so you cannot know what has, or has not, been understood.
You can know if someone has read something or not - they can state that the have read, for example, the bible, and we must take them at their word.
We absolutely cannot deny that they have read anything - only they know, and stating differently is simply telling untruths.
But reading something is quantifiable - you either have read something or you have not, but assessing understanding, even for the individual concerned, is a moveable feast.
It is inappropriate in my view, to criticise someone for 'failure to understand' something when that is only your perception, and not something you can say with any level of certainty.