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Hans, why do I believe?
Science failed to give me definitive answers to the big questions.
The bible CLAIMED to have the answers, and if true, made sense to me, explaining good and evil, objective morality, our fallen nature, and hope for justice, and mercy for our wrongs, in the person of Jesus Christ.
Yes, I looked at various religions and found them all wanting.
But could I trust the bible?
So to prophecy.
A brief post won't do the subject justice, but the history of Israel and the Jews, Gods promises and warnings to His chosen people did it for me.
The accuracy is incredible, and is completely overlooked, (as far as I am aware), by the mainstream churches and the theological academics who run them. (Think of Rowan Williams).
The prophecies run true right up to our present time, I am so convinced. (Yes all of these points raise more questions I know).
Regarding the big questions, the universe, a biogenesis and evolution, the bible accounts have never been superseded by science, in my opinion.
Finally, having searched and become a Christian, I became quickly disillusioned with churches, but I know the changes it has made to me personally, and I feel a presence within me that cannot be denied, a comforter, as Christ promised, that is as real to me as anything else I dare call reality.
I know this is a very brief and incomplete account, and you will probably not find me convincing, but as this is a discussion, I hope my views and experiences are worth your consideration.
As for clergymen taking advantage of their position for questionable, even criminal motives, the message remains the same, even if used criminally, like the money preachers and sexual predators.