OK, since you are being deliberately obstructive and refusing to see that the question inadvertently asked to Khando was clearly for you -
Why do you persist in peddling this viewpoint which, although clearly valid and important to you, receives virtually no support but entire reams of negative responses?
You do it repeatedly, always the same message, always the same responses, which refute your message.
Then you accuse responders of either being too stupid to interperet the bible in the way that seems open only to you, or you accuse them of being ignorant non-believers.
My question is - if you have posted this argument endless of times, anyone who agrees with you has done so silently and without response, and those who don't agree, you won't debate or discuss with, so why on earth are you still doing this?
What do you hope to achieve?
It cannot be acceptnace and agreement - even you must see that you are not being agreed with in any way shape or form.
That's my question THELAND - why are you still doing this?