Theland, unfortunatly it appears that it isnt us atheists that will eventually chase you away but your fellow christians ture/Religion-and-Spirituality/Question469052. html
I find it rather sad that someone like myself has to defend you from your "brother in christ" (Mani Insane).
I wish I knew what planet that man was from.
But something about the danish cartoon thread tonight has brought back a lot of long forgotten memories of when I was looking into various faiths and philosophies and its made me feel quiet sad. Why ?
Because I knew an awful lot of people from an awful lot of faiths. A lot of these people became my friends overtime in spite of my scepticism. One church that I attended (of the charismatic variety) appeared (at least on the outward) to be a very tight knit community. Full of love for each other, together in god...that kind of stuff. It almost made me want to sacrifice my reason and intellect and join in.
25 years on and almost no original members exist (although they still have a church of around 2000). Most of these ex members have shown that despite the 'facade' of spirituality and oneness and love for each other, it was all a sham. It just reminds me of the christians on here who all brown nose each other when it suits, but when the real person comes out, it all falls apart.
I just find it sad how religion makes a mess of everything, especially peoples relationships.