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Skapinker's contention that 'many have argued that child sacrifice was common', and that 'many scholars regard an eye for an eye as a warning against excessive vengeance' is irrelevant. Why does he not produce statements from other scholars who claim differently? This is intellectual dishonesty indeed. The fact is that despite countless varying opinions, the bible - and other religious texts - say what they say, and religion encourages people to believe what's written. As unpalatable as Skapinker may find it, Hitchens has simply, and quite brilliantly, exposed the brutal facts of the evils of religion. Any intellectual dishonestly, or 'moral shabbiness', as Skapinker puts it, stem clearly from his own pen.
As for Keyplus' contention being borne out, I have actually asked him what he's read, and he admits only to having read Islamic literature and small sections of the bible, so what you have to bear in mind is that he refuses to read anything that, as Wizard says, challenges his world view. I know little of Chakka on a personal level, but I am willing to guarantee that his bookshelves, like mine, certainly Wizard's, and many other people's here, contain not only books of this nature, but also practically every version of the bible, together with a copy of the Book or Mormon, the Koran, and works associated with most other religions too - so Chakka was absolutely correct in saying that Keyplus' statement was mindless. It was.
Thank you again for the article.