Thank you Naomi, for having the courage and fortitude to bring to light these contentious, touchy, and difficult but no less important issues which stand between justice and a lasting peace and the prerequisite mutual understanding and resolution of the facts. Religion, by virtue of its alleged connections to a ‘higher power’ and ‘ultimate truth’ has succeeded only in making its followers and their apologists, enemies of reason, that of others no less than their own.
Religion, with its asserted shortcut to knowledge, faith, threatens our existence as a rational species by promising answers and forestalling the satisfaction of justice to an alleged resolution beyond the grave.
In this day and age where technology has far surpassed our knowledge of how to use it wisely in the pursuit of peace and well-being some of us have been made startlingly aware we can ill-afford the luxury of innocence and the reliance on ancient myth and folklore that enabled us to stumble precariously through a historically perhaps denser albeit possibly less treacherous fog.
Religion by virtue of the countless conflicting derivations of its inherent ambiguity is bound to be confrontational and divisive, both within its own sphere and as it casts its influence over the world at large. What we really need to get along and be of mutual benefit to each other is an overwhelming mutual understanding of the nature of the reality we face. Religion, or any other type of mysticism has always proven a short cut to nowhere in achieving this auspicious yet equally rewarding aspiration.
If you see such pursuits as hopeless than what is the harm in getting and staying out of the way of those who don’t? Surely your God is perfectly capable of picking through and sorting out the pieces of the mess you have made in His name and on His behalf and if you don’t believe that then perhaps you’re worshiping and serving the wr