Just had an email, not personalised in any way, informing me I'm due a large Tax Rebate as of today (£1k +) all I have to do is fill in the attached form, Don't think I will tbh.
The given Link as part of the address included 'www.hmrc-gov-uk.refXXXX.com'
I've never seen a gov.uk site use hyphens before, bit of a give away, as was a lack of name and reference number.
Have copied to HMRC Phishing Dept.
HMRC will never contact you by email as the servers are not secure enough to allow private communication!
This is because of under investement by succesive governments!
I find that these letters are usually worded so badly that very few people would fall for them. Things like not using the pound sign but GBP after the sum.
But people must fall for them - or they would just stop sending them out.
I was very suspicious about an email recently from Vauxhall. They told me that I had won a Scotland training top. It was written badly and words were missed - it was actually legit and my nephew got the top.
I better get back to writing begging letters to lottery winners.
I had a phone call the other day, allegedly from the Santander fraud department. They said there had been some unusual activity on my account and wanted to check it out. Said I was really in a hurry as I was late for work but if he gave me their number I would call back ASAP. Phone went dead for some strange reason!