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Is Anyone Else Getting Bombarded With Mcafee Renewals.

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CrapatCryptics2 | 21:27 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Spam & Scams
7 Answers

I`ve had quite a few of them recently and I know they are scams because I have never used McAfee at any time. The emails come from a variety of addresses with McAfee spelt a number of ways so blocking them takes some time.



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Not noticeably. There again, my e-mail client, or maybe it's the server, spots what it thinks is spam/etc. and puts them in the spam directory so I don't tend tend to see them. Your e-mail address seems to clearly be known and being passed around. Just mark each individually as spam and the torrent of them should subside.

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Yahoo does a very poor job of filtering out very obvious spam but I always spam and block everything so they should know who is sending the crap.

Not mcafee but last week I was getting loads of spam emails - 10-15 per day all similar. I marked them up as spam & they suddenly stopped. I guess talktalk got their act together.

I have been getting absolutely loads the past few days in my Junk file McAfee etc.  l just delete them. 

Dozens of them.     And I am constantly being told I have won something and all I have to do is ........ Think its a conspiracy.     Nowadays unless I am positive I know who is writing to me I delete everything.      

And wouldn`t it be luvverly if we could trace each spammer and detonate their computers

apparently I've "won" a Dualit toaster today - yippee!

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