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I Tried To Log In To My Banking App.

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sandyRoe | 16:30 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Spam & Scams
23 Answers

A page appeared asking for my 10 digit customer number, password, and 4 digit number for ATM use.

It looks very suspicious.

If I went into the bank would they tell me if this is a scam?



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Best thing to do sandy is give all the information asked,then if all your money disappears out of your account,then it is a scam,if your money doesnt disappear then it is not a scam.Give it a go.
16:35 Fri 02nd Aug 2024

They certainly would, sandyRoe

Best thing to do sandy is give all the information asked,then if all your money disappears out of your account,then it is a scam,if your money doesnt disappear then it is not a scam.Give it a go.

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I'm sure it is a scam.  How do I regain access to my on-line account?

Contact your bank as soon as possible, Sandy.

Are you sure it is your ATM PIN it is asking for?

One of my bank accounts requires me to log in with my customer number (used only to sign in for online banking), my password and the online PIN which is different to my ATM.

Contact your bank for advice.  They'll tell you how to get in to your account if it is a scam

Go to the Bank's website and log in from there.

If the app seems differnt to usual avoid it. Log in on the website instead or call your bank.

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I've just called the bank and they say occasionally they do ask for all those details.

I'll be in the bank in the morning and I'll ask someone to confirm what I've been told.

My bank says they will never ask for my ATM pin.

Are you sure it's the ATM PIN they are asking for?

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It might have been the 4 number log in pin.

I've forgotten it as I used fingerprint I'd.

I use my fingerprint too but every so often it asks me to log in the old fashioned way

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a's a duck. Scammer scamming.

I'd be surprised if it is a scam. If it's the ATM PIN it's no good without the long card number and three digit number on the back of the card and it won't get scammers logged in to the bank account - wrong PIN.

Always right to be careful though

As has been said previously, be careful .....

Banks will never ask you to provide your PIN over text or phone. They have strict protocols in place to verify your identity in a secure manner, and asking for your PIN is a major red flag. If someone requests your PIN, be wary, and report it to your bank immediately.19 Oct 2023

Before I retired, I worked for Natiowide BS, and I can assure you that no bank or building society staff would ever ask for your PIN.

I am also a bank retiree and agree 100% with Wiltsman

To log into my banking by app all I am normally asked for is 3 of my 6 digit code.

If I want to log in via the bank website, I have to enter a long account number, my date of birth, then 3 digits from my 6 digit code, then finally get a code by text to enter.

Forgot to add that the one tht threw me in the kid's quiz was the RSPCA question. Who knew?

Soz, folks, wrong fred 🙃

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