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maggiebee | 11:57 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | Spam & Scams
5 Answers

Just received an email to let me know my McAfee subscription has expired.  This must be about the 6th notice I've received from them.  Chancing their mitt I suspect as I've never subscribed to this.



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Lots of people complaining about this scam

"from them".

Not from them. of course.

As Gingejbee suggests, the emails aren't coming from McAfee.  They're coming from scammers who simply send them out to millions of email addresses, knowing that at least some of the people that they're contacting will be using McAfee products and can be conned into handing over their bank card info.

Yes, I agree it's a scam.  I often get emails pretending to be from McAfee.  I use McAfee products so I am extra careful about disposing of these messages.  

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