At 30 weeks my fundal height was only measuring 28cm and so far I've always measured ahead. Then today at 33 weeks exactly I measured only 29cm so I've grown 1cm in 3 weeks!!
So I'm having another scan - I don't know when because they said they'd have to get back to me because they don't have any appointments at the moment.
I'm really worried because at my 20 week scan they found a soft marker for downs syndrome (an echogenic foci) and I've read that downs syndrome babies tend to have a low birth weight of abour 5 or 6lb normally. One of the only things reasurring me was that I was growing so well.
Does anyone know if reduced fluid (which the doctor thinks it is) could have anything to do with downs syndrome?
im not sure that reduced fluid is a sign but dont forget that they are going by the average sizes of uterus, baby and fluid.
For every woman who has a fundal height of 3 or 4 weks over gestation there is an equally worried mother who is a feww weeks below.
The babys position also has a bearing on the fundal height.
If the echogenic foci was the only marker they found then (if i remember correctly it may have been your question before) that its veryvery rare to be cause for concern on its own.
Wait for your next scan but in the meantime get as much info from your midwife as you can.
I measured 29cm at 28 weeks and measured 30 at 33 weeks, they took me in for a growth scan and everything was fine, please try not to worry and remember that these measurements are only 'approxixmate'.