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Liverpool - the final hurdle in Texas

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bibblebub | 18:34 Thu 14th Oct 2010 | Football
25 Answers
Hearing starts at 7pm this evening


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Is it correct though that if Hicks manages to pay off RBS by 4.30, the restrictions on his firing board members as part of the agreement would be lifted?
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yes (or is it 4pm?)

it's all eerily quiet at the moment but the Texas judge is apparently not too pleased with having been made to look a fool by H&G
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John Henry and the board are about to make a statement. Hick has put out a statement which seems to suggest that he's given up trying to block the NESV deal but will continue to sue for $1.6 billion damages.
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All the dust seems to have settled, NESV will own Liverpool FC very shortly, and H&G will be suing RBS for their mental anguish. Hope the fans class action against them goes ahead.
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NESV the new owners and have only just heard that the gruesome twosome have dropped their claim for damages.

Now just the little matter of the form on the pitch.

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Liverpool - the final hurdle in Texas

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