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T W A U ... The Chase....todays Gem......

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ToraToraTora | 17:30 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
24 Answers

Q: A red ball weighing 5.5 ounces is used in the first class form of what sport?

A: Snooker!




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I don't like cricket!

Question Author

....I love it..ah!

next line

I have no idea what a snooker ball weighs.

Question Author

OG you don't need to.

Looks like my superpower is in evidence again! The answer is in the question FGS!

I can't see the answer in the question.  

I don't like reggae!

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...I love it (ah)!

Question Author

Naomi, what sport has a level known as "First class...." ? yep the superpower is working well today!

Don't like Jamaica.

I haven't a clue, TTT.  

"I have no idea what a snooker ball weighs."

"OG you don't need to."

If someone knows nothing about cricket, how would they be aware that the "first class" referred to cricket?

Easy to be stumped on that one....

LBW - 'Look Blue then White'

Pot Black - someone from the Windies team on weed

In Off - I was batting before Anderson got me out.

Cushion - what the Pads do.

The Rocket - either Ronnie or Rootie

The Magician - Shaun Murphy or Stokesie

Rumour has it Desislava Bozhilova and Tatiana Woollaston are swotting up the Laws of Cricket so they can come out at Lords and umpire.

Question Author

18:08 see if you can think of a spor that has a first class devision.

First class darts?

First class Snooker?

First class basket ball?

First class Hockey?

First class....🏏?

As usual the comic fodder here is in the silly answer that was given not the real answer which is irrelevant.

TTT, I know now it's cricket - but I wouldn't have known.

and there I thought that you were the opening bat for your village, naomi.......

Question Author

18:31 yes but you know it's NOT snooker, that's the point. With all of these the actual answer does not matter.

Not me, DTC.  I know a few bats but I'm not one of them.  ;o)

TTT, I wouldn't know it's not snooker.  After reading your OP I thought it must be squash.  That ball doesn't weigh much.

Your super powers are letting you down.  Have you tried wearing your Y-fronts over your trousers?  That might help.  Get into the spirit of it and all that.  Just an idea.  ;o) 

A snooker ball weighs 5oz so it wouldn't have been that stupid a guess.

Question Author

18:41, there is no set weight for snooker balls only that in a set they must all weigh the same.

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