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Andy Murray.

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William51 | 10:54 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Sport
8 Answers

 After being beaten at the Olympics Andy is going to retire. He has been a fierce competitor over the years and it has been a pleasure to see him compete for GB and Scotland. Let us hope he can enjoy a deserved rest , and then perhaps do something to help GB tennis going forward.



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I did enjoy his social media post after losing his final match.  "I never liked tennis anyway" 😁
11:01 Sat 03rd Aug 2024

I did enjoy his social media post after losing his final match.


 "I never liked tennis anyway" 😁

Judy Murray replied 

'neither did I'

Let's hope he enjoys a rest and finds something that makes him more cheerful! 

Not having to go to London will help.

I wish him all the best - have enjoyed watching him on TV.  He has just pledged to donate £2 million to the British Tennis Academy.  Maybe he'll spend more time welcoming guests to his luxury hotel (Cromlix) in Dunblane?

I wonder if he is counted as living in England or higher tax Scotland.

His mother is trying to develop a legacy centre on a highly disputed green space site


the locals are seriously displeased

I read somewhere that he is going to take up Golf.

Don't expect him to be any more serious on the Golf course - he's Scottish😁


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