Can't sleep, I've been in bed for 2 hours and not a wink have tossed & turned & just had to get up. Thought I'd come on here for a bit & when the old head starts nodding I'll go back & hope for a few hours.
Any one out there to keep me company?
Just me it seems.....but I have been to sleep and woken up a little while ago.Have you got something on your mind that is niggling you? Read a book or watch some TV, that always seems to work for me, find myself nodding off. Its horrible when you can't sleep, makes me worry about how tired I will be tomorrow, especially if I have a lot of things to get done. Hope you manage to nod off soon.
Oh, so I'm not alone,looking at the clock its coming up to 4o/c I'd better have another go at getting some shut-eye. Yes I will be shattered tomorrow & I'd planned to go to 'Lakeside' tomorrow shopping, mmm! we'll see.
Actually I'm at the end of a cold & its left me with a tickley cough & thats part of my prob.Sucking Strepsils right now they help a bit.
Thanks folks for talking to me.
Night - night.