I have just bought a new laptop and am transferring everything - just a couple of problems!
1. I seem to have the screens not full size and was told to drag them to full size which I did. However, some screens keep re-appearing as small. After I have dragged them to full size is there anything else I must do?
2. Further to above, even when the screens are full size there is a small space at the top of the screen where I can just see a 'ghost' of the desktop. This was not on my old laptop and is annoying. Thought I had solved it by going into options and ticking 'full screen'. That worked but I then lost my toolbars! so had to revert. What have I done wrong?
3. Some of my programs are only on disc and my new netbook does not have a CD slot, What do I do? Do I have to go online to the site and download again?
For problem 3, consider buying an external dvd drive. They can be bought for under £20 and simply plug in to a USB port. Useful for backing up files on to DVD and importing all your cd tracks.
You can of course go online and download programs again if they are free.
Re problems 1 and 2. I am baffled because if you close a full size screen it should re open as full size. Can you give an example of such a screen? I assume you click the full screen icon top right of the screen.
Has this computer ever opened a full screen in the way you'd expect?
To get rid of the "ghost" go to control panel, appearance, change theme, window colour and untick enable transparency. You can change the actual colour here too.
Thanks all. Yes you are correct. The computer is gradually remembering the full screen resizing the more I do it and I have most screens become correct,
Regarding the ghosting which shows thru about a cm above the toolbars which are those showing file, edit,view etc and home, print etc. I cannot drag the screen up at all but if I go into view? and tick full screen that works BUT then the toolbars disappear!!
Do what I said it takes the ghosting away. You will be left with a solid colour and you will not see the desktop through it. You cant make the toolbar smaller.
You can make the titlebar narrower by personalising the desktop - right click on the desktop, select 'display' from the bottom left of the pop-up window, and one of the setting is the text size on the titlebar, and thus the height of it (that's how you do it on Windows 8 and I think that it's much the same on Windows 7). I find that a text size of less than 9 is unreadable.
Thanks bibblebub for the advice, however it's not the size of the text with me, I've got that at the size I require, it's the fact that the Minimize, Restore Down and Close icons are on their own line.
I can't talk for Moggie 939 of course.
In theory, if you left-click "START", then right-click the program you wish to run and select the "properties" tab and within this the "shortcut" tab you will see "RUN". Select "maximised" and the program SHOULD always start maximised. The "in theory" and "should" caveats are there because it doesn't always seem to work.