How Do I Stop Automatic Updates in The AnswerBank: Technology
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How Do I Stop Automatic Updates

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benjiboy5 | 16:42 Tue 15th Jul 2014 | Technology
6 Answers
i am new to computing and new to this site i am using windows 7 on hp pavilion laptop. I want to stop automatic updates when i am using a dongle as it is eating my data
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Go into Windows Update (option on the Windows menu) Select "Change Settings" on the left. Select "Never check for updates". Do check this option every now and again as Microsoft do have habit of turning it back on every now and again.
16:49 Tue 15th Jul 2014
Go into Windows Update (option on the Windows menu)

Select "Change Settings" on the left.

Select "Never check for updates".

Do check this option every now and again as Microsoft do have habit of turning it back on every now and again.
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thank you to every body this looks like a very good site to be on
Welcome benjiboys5 to AB....It's the best Q & A site on the Internet. Purely a personal opinion of course. However, you are always at liberty to disagree with anything which I say and still remain a friend.

^^^^ My apologies for having put an 's' into your user-name. I do try to be correct but sometimes hit additional keys whilst typing.....It's an age failure.:-)

Unless I have misunderstood, you are saying updates are so much data it is causing you a problem with your data limit ? That seems unlikely to me. Are you sure something else isn't using your allowance ?

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