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cookies deleted

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tali122 | 22:47 Sat 03rd Jun 2006 | Technology
3 Answers
b****** hell i ran ccleaner and it cleared all my cookies - so i lost my log ins - i did a system restore - but to no avail - why ??? how can i get them back?


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Cookies are useful but tend to slow things down.

As you log in and revisit your usual sites, your cookies will restore themselves. As far as I know there is no way of restoring deleted ones.

And don't forget to go into ccleaner,go to options select cookies and then tell ccleaner what cookies to keep this will stop the programme deleting them in the future................
its not a good idea to keep cookies containing personal info such as credit cards, user names and passwords anyway. This is how so many people get thier personal info stolen by hackers. I never tell windows to remember anything that someone else can use maliciously.

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