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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
haha - evil soap and Mr pamuk!! that is so funny.
I know, I love the little details. I'm going to have to buy new ink cartridges just so I can print those out and give them to my sister at xmas, she'll love them. Actually that'll make them a tad expensive won't it? Never mind I needed an excuse to buy some. I'll make a card with a pic of us (me & her that is) lowering the tone at Downton.
You'll have the Dowager Duchess after you Robinia .....full of indignation
I love Maggie ..some of her expressions are so brilliant ,they don't need any lines really .She looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp .
I honestly thought she was going to croak last night .If she did ( in the series) that would be the end of Downton ,she's such a wonderful actress.
I also thought she was going to die, just the sort of thing Julian Fellowes would do, but happily she didn't.

Just had a quick nap, didn't mean to, it just sort of happened.
I have dipped into the sweet tin and am enjoying "Love Hearts"
Naughty Neti'd get half way through those and come over all hot and dotty :)
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ah algroba, I can do that, (x-1) +(x+1) = b+27.
oh how I hated algebra but give me some adding up in pounds shillings and pence and a whizzy thing and I'm away.

haha, I don't know about dot to dot, I'd need an A-Z and a sat nav these days.

Well it's too dark to mow now, grrrr, he never showed up. Would a quick phone call have been too much? Where's that evil mask?
I loved algebra, hated maths, well more like maths hated me!!

Oh isn't that so annoying Robi, I will also wear an annoyed mask.
no reason for this except cutitude. we have fireworks here but rab is wrapped in a blsnket at my feet and shughy has made himself a hidey hole beside me behind the sofa cushions. after other years its like a miracle Media URL:
argh Media URL:
maybe its the ipad. search youtube for dog puppeteer in recoleta
That's just lovely woofy...the little girl's a poppet.... I'll try to post it

thank you Robi. I am recouping the outcome of some bad decisions here. I haven't eaten and the heating is off but the dogs are settled so I must freeze and starve for a little while. The dogs (naturally) have eaten and are wrapped in blankets. Sigh.
Woofy you are good to those dogs.

Can't open any links, "server not found" story of my life!
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ha, isn't that funny, woofgang.

Evita's buried around there somewhere.
Message from Jude, she is rushing around like the proverbial! She'll be back here tomorrow afternoon ish.
update. heating is on, i have eaten and am now sipping cc and ginger. dogs are settled.
I rather think I am heading for the Jeremy Kyle show, I did the washing up but left it to drain, never done that before in my life, oh slob that I am becoming.

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