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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Just seen the youtube link, how sweet is that puppet!
Disgusting neti, shame on you....I expect you'll be on the next series of How Clean is your Casa?
Ha, chill out woman, I used to be like that. I'm not a slob but if I do happen to leave a few pots in the bowl do you know what?.....
....nobody dies.
I am not going to post pics of my house as it is currently but aint pretty
and you know what? Robi is right!
What a lovely video .How cute was that .I thought it was a real dog at first !
I'm sure a few pots on the drainer isn't the end of the world Neti .Nobody is going to report you to Aggie and Kim .
Think I'll tootle off to bed .Goodnight lovelies ,hope it's a quiet one for you all and for the woofers.
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still not too noisy here even though it's a dry clear night (a bit parky, though). The big test will be tomorrow, I suppose, but we will be having a birthday dinner down in the leafy south east with jno jnr and Lucy (and I suppose her family).

I don't know how firmly they will resist our offers to pay.
hiding from the fireworks

so much better than last year.

jno, how firmly do you want them to lol?
should explain that shughy made himself a castle by shoving the settee cushion forward and hiding behind it.
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ah... the underdogs
Good morning biddies everywhere, are you sitting comfortably, then I'll begin.........

Just thought I'd say it. Nothing happening here, and it was a few pots on the drainer, all pots were washed and put away, it was only a couple of clean dinner plates and some cutlery, neatly stowed on the rack.

I had a good night, I think I felt the cat on my foot at one point but nothing else disturbed me which meant I did not have to trot to the loo.

Off to the hairdressers today, just to be tidied up, am not having a drastic lopsided cut now, I leave that for the summer, I feel bolder in the summer. Meeting a boring friend for coffee as I have avoided her for about 3 weeks, but how churlish can I be? Also have to deposit some dinero in hija's bank (it's her money anyway, we are not that rich!)

Hope you are all well and happy.

Love the photos of the dogs, they look very relaxed.
Have just found a rat running around the empty swiming pool, and do not know what to do. I can't get it out, and I think it would be too cruel to put the cat in. Mr N has gone to work for the day. OH dilemma!!
If I put a plank of wood there will it be able to climb out.
its a good bet that it will neti, worth a try anyway.
Yes, put a plank in ^^

Morning all...back to wet and dismal weather, yesterday was a perfect autumn day.
Aw, bless the boys woofy, hope they have a peaceful week.

I was supposed to be meeting a friend for coffee but apparently I'm not interesting enough :) Actually I'm moving carefully today, my back feels as though it needs to click near my left hip, I don't want it to suddenly lock so I keep stretching. I'll have a wander round the corridors, it shouldn't be too long before I'm having my leg pulled :)
morning Robi. thank you for the good wishes, I am expecting problems tonight but then maybe not till saturday when the last, nearest display is on. I am thinking of putting the boys in the car and going for a drive to get away from it.
I hope you don't lock solid, its such a nuisance. and for shame to your friend, i think you are very interesting!
Well thank you woofy...I had my flight booked and everything....

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you think the cat would lose, then, neti?
Morning all
Yes back to dull and dreary after the lovely day yesterday .Raining here and rather chilly .Hope you're all OK .The woofers are lovely Woofy .They look well chilled out .It's been pretty quiet here actually on the firework front .There were a few the other night and I've heard the odd one in the distance and that was it .Might be more tonight though .
Boring friend chatted to and despatched. No flights here Robi so don't bother. Waiting in hairdressers now.
No jno the cat is a good killer but don't want to cause death unless its to a spider.
how profile says last activity 8.43 today but I've logged in and out of this site a few times since then. Maybe 8.43 was the only time I said anything nothing :)
haha! it's changed now

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