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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
I was never an Elvis fan...Getting the occasional pop and bang here....tired tired tired.
I'm bopping around the boudoir - Mr N is watching golf in the front room.
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oh, is that what The Butler's about, neti? I've seen posters but it hasn't started yet (and Im' unlikely to see it for years until I can get a DVD with subtitles). I've just watched French CanCan instead, very lush and colourful.
Elvis was my all time favourite when I was a teenager. My first 78 was Heartbreak Hotel.
Oight oight all. X
that's it. Firework watch is over again.
oight oight all.
I loved Elvis .As a girl I had an Elvis scrapbook ,into which I pasted pictures and snippets from the papers about him .I loved all the films too ,Blue Hawaii ,Fun in Acapulco where he dived off the cliff .He didn't ,of course, it was a stand in .
I've seen that film The Butler advertised on the tele Neti .I would love to see it and the other one out at the moment with Judi Dench ,Philomena .
I've just realised I've given my lady pink gloves instead of red to match her dress.I'll have to do some rubbing out .Easier than pulling out about ten inches of the cowl I'm knitting where I went wrong with the pattern .
Goodnight all .Hope it's a peaceful one .Sleep tight.Don't let the earworms bite :)

Good morning all.

Jno why dvd with subtitles? don't you speak English then?

Yes shaney am waiting to see Philomena, hope we get it soon.

We now have the pc rtower back but it's waiting installation, he'll do it eventually. He put the receipt on the handle thing and it slipped inside so Mr N had to unscrew the back, and it was all dusty and a couple of plugs things are loose, so we have assumed that is how it is supposed to be. He retrieved the bill! I do not have a lot of faith in the workmanship here!!
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neti, I speak English but I have trouble hearing it these days - my ears are rubbish. And actors will mumble... What's that again, Brad, do speak up ...
Morning all...brightening up, slowly. Fireworks again last night and, I hate to say it woofy, I'm betting there'll be more tonight.

Love the artwork can you make the fur trimmed coat come off the page please? I'd like to swoop around the co-op in that :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one when it comes to films and tv I can't always tell what people are saying either. It's not the accents, they just don't speak clearly and I've got really sharp hearing, on a par with dogs and teenagers apparently... I've had to stop loitering around shopping precincts where they've put those 'mosquito sound' deterrents :)
I'm looking forward to seeing Philomena.

ooh, I think in his younger days Elvis was the most handsome man ever.
That is true jno I use headphones, I find subtitles distract me.

Parcel gone, 4-5days delivery, hope The chox dont melt
morning all. We had all settled down for the night then some fool starts off fireworks at half past midnight grrrrrr. Yes its the nearest and biggest display tonight. I am thinking of getting the dogs in the car and driving away from it into the forest, the problem is that you don't know what you are driving towards.
Weather hideous here.
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big fireworks display in London this evening as it's Lord Mayor's Show day. I have never actually seen the Lord Mayor's Show and I won't today as it is wet. It's supposed to have dried up by fireworks time. There are quite a lot of fireworks these days, some for New Year and some for the Thames festival in September. I keep hoping they'll accidentally set Boris alight.
Morning all
Dull and dreary here.I think I'll go outside and colour the sky blue .
Hope you're all well.
Yes I like that coat Robinia .I love twenties stylee fashion .
Some of the programmes on tevee are awfully mumbly and I think my hearing is sharp .
One of the reasons I gave up on Ripper Street and Peaky Blinders ,they all seemed to wander about in dark smokey settings mumbling to one another ..
jno, when we were children in london we used to go. my parents, mum especially thought it was importsnt for us to see stuff like that. we used to go to the Trooping and to the State opening of Parliament. it was lovely to be there but i have to say you get a better view on the telly
Shame about the weather dahn sarf, they should have had the parade here it's dry & half bright/half cloudy. It would have given us all something jolly to look at instead of the same old.

I suppose I ought to start thinking about Chr...chris....

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I've done most of my Chrsitmas shopping already... well, I've done a calendar with my holiday snaps and ordered a copy for everyone I can think of, stick a card in with each one and mail them off and that's just about it.

I may have to think of something more imaginative for OH, though. Chox usually work if I don't eat them all first netee stylee.
well that's baby moondust sorted, you can't start them too young...
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sleep no more, parents
Am worn out absolutely shattered, just sitting down and having a cuppa. We did the parcel and the shopping and brekkie, then I unpacked and went out for a coffee. The had to take a bedside cabinet and 14" TV to a friend you needs them, then back again and took a huge pile of books to Care4cats to sell for their charity. Then took 3 more bags of clothes to the charity bin, but when I got there the bin was full to overflowing so had to bring them back, dumped more rubbish. Cleaned out hija's room finally tidied all through, done 3 loads of washing, cleaned and mopped out the pool, no rats this time. Just done a stir-fry for tonight, oh and mopped up after Mousey made a pig of herself with some tinned fish!!
Brill Robi, that's a proper grandparent gift.

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