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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Feels chillier here although it says 18º.

Hope you all have a good day, Poor pets and fireworks, we have them here in June for John the Baptiste day, but not too many. The ASlsatian next door who is always on the balcony always howls whenever he hears sirens, and as you can imagine he howls a lot here in the summer, it's really creepy I hate his noise.
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surprised other people still have months of fireworks. We definitely used to but it's tailed right off now. I suppose not having cruise ships at the end of the garden helps. Well, a nice sunny day and I may try going outdoors.
saying nowt about neti's dream

Morning all, it's a lovely bright and sunny one but very cold. Looks lovely with the changing and fallen leaves and all the birds are back. It was like one of those paintings where all varieties of wild birds are feeding together and you think 'that never happens'...well it just did.

It'll be nice to see the sun shining on the Cenotaph...I don't watch the Saturday remembrance service any more, it's not like it used to be.

btw, my avatar does include a poppy but the bleary eyed amongst you probably won't have noticed :)
Thought it head a bleeding heart Robi!
Morning all
Raining here atm .Supposed to brighten up later though .
Hope you're all ok .

morning all. i don't think that the firework situation round here is helped by the fact that there is a shop in Southampton with an all year licence. they only sell whole displays but money seem to be no object.
cherry tomatoes neti?.......ooooooookaaaaaaay
I went to a local small charity event yesterday that it known for its home preserves. i got a jar of crabapple jelly, but even better, a jar of bread and butter pickles!! in case you dont know, they are thin slices of large gherkin preserved with salt and sugar and dill and mustard in the vinegar. quite delicious.
oh well, on with the day.
Ewww, gherkins. Devils winkies :)

The leaves are still very green in London, have you been airbrushing them all night jno?
Robi!!!!! and on a sunday too!!!!!!
Its a lovely bright day here. Mr next door is re roofing his shed which means the dogs need to bark at the sight of a man on a shed roof so the door is firmly shut. I have a stiff back due to one dog wanting to hide behind the settee cushions and the other wanting to hide behind me in the armchair, I spent too long last night sitting on about 4 inches of armchair, I know, I spoil them.
I like devil's winkies and Mr N loves them!!

Just been round the island, didn't take long, the had the famous tortilla (omelette) and salad, bread and alioli and olives, wine and lemonade, lunch at Sta Inea (Agnes) was really nice, not so warm today but still onoy tee shirt and jeans weather. Now in cosy jimjams and socklets and on the bed watching Eastenders.

Mr N strolling ahead of me!

The very end of the island, Cap Blanc, and the little red hut is the aquarium and a little restaurant alas only open in the summer months.
That looks lovely Neti. Wish I was there. The fireworks I think are over now round here.
This house is like a chinese laundry. My Steady gave me 3 sets of kingsize bedding to wash, duvet, matress sheet and pillow cases + his clothes and underwear. I'm fed up.
Anyway I've done now.I'm going to sit down and read the Sunday Magazine for and hour with a cup of weak tea.
Roland or one of his oppos is still hanging around in the loft. I heard him/them last night right above my head and I found it difficult to drop off to sleep in fact I left the light on. I'm getting quite worried now.Steve is coming again on Thursday to have another look so I might just be able to hang on til then.
Off now then hope you're all keeping warm...laters 'gaters

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oh dear, Jude, that sounds awful, I wouldn't be sleeping either. Couldn't you move into some little café on Ibiza that's closed for the season? It looks rather nice.
Oh jno, poor jude would hear far more than one Roland were she to kip there, there are lobsters (she wouldn't go hungry) and and lots of flappy fish, plus it is a natural aquarium so the sea would slosh about all night, I think jude will be better off where she is! Oh and no loos there either!!
Am catching up with The labours of Hercules but it is dragging on a bit, I keep dozing off.
It still sounds and looks good to me Neti.I go wa;king round the countryside here where there are no 'loos' . sorry too much info there wasn't it. :-)
Oh last Downton tonight, am getting the front room so can relax. I do enjoy it.
hello all, got Cadfael on here which i always enjoy, Derek Jacobi is so gentle. Just a few fireworks here tonight so hopefully a normal night's kip and out for a walk in the morning.
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oight oight, I shall try not to disturb anyone's dreams tonight but if there's any trouble I suggest you take my portrait off the bedroom wall and hang it up in the downstairs loo instead
Morning all, no it wasn't you last night jno, it was an old boyfriend and threats of being beaten up on the Machester train!!! I must stop eating parma violents!!

Had to put a light cover on the bed last night and I wore full pjs.

Am still in my bed, better get up after I've had my cuppa!

Seems fine outide but not warmish.

Hope you all have a good day, and jude hope Roland didn't disturb you in the night. I would hate that!
good morning all. grey and chilly here. Bad dreams last night, no idea why. I had set the alarm to go out but must have turned it off and gone back to sleep, the dogs normally wake me when i do that but they didn't rouse either, not bark when the paperboy came. I guess we all needed some catch up. Jude I hope that your lodgers get evicted soon, it must be horrible, it was bad enough when we had them in the garage.

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