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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Shaney that's a lovely card. I can't do borders, can't get them on straight. Fireworks at blooming 1am last night. i would like to go out and do killing when that happens. We ended up asleep in a heap with both dogs cuddled up to me as hard as they could.
We have the first frost of winter here today, its very bright and chilly, actually rather nice after all the wetness and grey.
Morning all
Lovely crisp sunny day here .Hope you're all Ok .
Nothing strenuous on the agenda today,just afternoon tea at my brothers with my SiL and the girls .
If any of you are interested there's a good programme on BBC4 tonight .9.00pm
Beehives ,Bouffants and Bobs ,the hairstyles that shaped Britain .
I'd better go and scrub up and do something with my face :)
Have a good time shaney...I think I'd better move my backside, I can feel my grumpy meter rising for some reason....haha, I'd love one of these dogs, (schnauzer, too expensive) we'd go well together. Do any of you know anything about them?
nice little dogs but b's to train Robi and that hair doesn't cut itself.
I have been whizzing round the house and we are more or less clean and tidy again and dinner is cooking in the slow pot.
My friends have a miniture schnauzer called Mollie and she is very sweet and very obedient, she's just had her first "schnauzer" hair trim, looks really grumpy.

Bt heck, it's getting chilly.

Just had cottage pie and baked beans which was really quite nice, but after Mr N's sojourn to the loo all night (cos of the spicy chili) I thought it prudent to have something calming!
baked beans.....calming lol.
Sis has arrived and we have gossipped ourselves to bed. oight oight all
Oh what a dear little dog ...he's got such a dear little grumpy face ..haha.
I had a nice afternoon with my folks ,plenty of tea,cake and nattering .
Just watched the last Poirot ..awww more little grey cells .It doesn't seem like 25 years since David Suchet first took the role .Where does the time go .
Goodnight ,sleep toight all and woofers and Sis .
Morning all...I'm sitting here watching leaves whizz horizontally past my window! Did they forecast winds this strong? It turned breezy yesterday afternoon, felt bitter & gave me a sinus headache and sore, tired eyes. Consequently I nodded off after the first half hour of Poirot so I'm going to be dodging spoilers until I catch up.
Didn't get much sleep but when I did I dreamt I was at a party with Peter Falk, (Columbo!). He was having a ball, singing & dancing...Ha, we really ought to have these analysed...and then we'd all be in warm secure place together.

Morning biddies. I saw Poirot, aww he's so sweet, but he would never ever wear a false moustache!!! I read the book back in 1977 but couldn't remember anything about it.

Overcast here, and looks very damp, am still in bed at 9.24am. but am getting hungry so will make some gea and toast.
Peeing down. :0)
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looks like anotehr blazing sunny day here... sorry, did I write blazing? I meant freezing. But it is still sunny.

Walked past Poirot's home yesterday - on Charterhouse Square but there was a bad fire this year and much of the block was damaged

oh dear, that looks of those would do nicely for me, I'd better get a move on if I'm going to beat the current offer. Is it you jno?
Morning all
Cold , dreary ,windy .Why can't we have a run of sunny days .I wouldn't mind the cold if it was sunny .Perhaps it'll wend it's way here from London later. Hope you're all Ok though .
Todays ailment is a shooting pain which is radiating from my right hip ,down my leg and into my knee .It drove my potty all night .I think it'll be a catch up teevee day and and omelettes for dinner.

Am soaking wet so am drying off and have egg and chips, it's that type of day. I would love to live in that Florin Court, I love all things Art Deco!
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I wouldn't go buying that sight unseen, Robi, unless you're okay with living in a charred shell all winter with sheets of plastic hanging outside as your insulation. Wouldn't do much for ze little grey cells.
Good Morning All. Good News and Bad news. Good news the rats haven't eaten the poison in the drain or in the loft and Pest Controller says it is definitely rats and they are not using my 'back door' but the Bad news they are definitely still coming in cos I'm still hearing Roland and friends most nights. Also next door neighbour hasn't reported anything to the pest control or homes departement so I've done it.

Really good news my heating allowance is on it's way.

I watched Poirot last night too I thought is was really good. Haven't watched any of them for years. Was that house in Charterhouse Square where it was filmed.

Off to school in a little while. Very cold here but sun shining which I don't mind at all.
I wish I had dreams about film stars Robi. Johnny Depp preferably!! He is still living at least. I have gone off him a little bit though because I think he has been unfaithful..

Laters' gaters. Have a good day.
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I walked past the Walkie Scorchie too, and that is also under plastic while they spend a little money - "in the low single-digit millions" - to stop it melting passers-by
I keep getting a dead leg shaney, you can borrow that if it helps.

Good thing your wings are the real deal jno and not the wax variety...hmmm, alright then I won't bother buying it this week, I quite fancy something dockside actually.

I can't believe your neighbour Jude, I know it's best to keep the peace whenever possible (I'm biting on a wooden spoon to keep quiet sometimes, pity their toddler doesn't do the same, :o/ ) but I'd have had a word after all this time. I really hope you lose Roland & co as soon as.

Egg and chips sounds good....well, omelette and chips. I haven't done a runny egg for many years.
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blimey, here's a thing, someone's set up a direct debit and taken some money from my bank account...

Not quite that simple, I suppose. I was paying health insurance and set up a DD, but I switched to another company at the end of last month and cancelled it. But the original company meanwhile had changed their product (which was why I left them) so decided without telling me to set up a new DD.

The bank says nothing to do with us, they can do it without proof as long as they have your details and think they have your authorisation.

Anyway, 'tis sorted, insurance company have definitely cancelled the new policy I never agreed to and the bank will refund the money within 24 hours. But wot the funicular.

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