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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
They have wonderful stationery .I bought a pen for a Christmas gift .One of the Paul Turner made in Norfolk wooden pens .
I also dithered around by the notebooks and writing paper :)
It's a lovely building too, over a hundred years old .Pevsner described it as baroque style .
They used to have a shop here in GY but it's long since closed .

That's lovely, my kind of shop, I don't like modern shopping centres

Ground floor perfumery,
stationery and leather goods,
wigs and haberdashery
kitchenware and food...going up.

I thought Shaney's butler had butled off! What is his name I just can't remember?
Was it Lampwick?
Has George sent you a xmas card neti? :)
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I tried wearing a tennis bracelet but it distracted the umpire
Haha...this one distracted me...

adds to xmas cosmic order
Add one for me please Robi they're great.
Been out for fish and chip lunch today and another yearly chat up with a friend.
Then when I got home I got ready for Steadier coming tomorrow.
Enjoy yourselves Jude.
Pouring with rain so had no tv signal but Mr N watched The Coppers Tale on my laptop and I watched it on my phone, wasn't Jim Broadbent liek Dixon of Dock Green?

Have a good time jude!

oight oight
hello all we are exhaustulated....sis is here and we have gossiped ourselves to a state of collapse oight oight all.
Oight Oight :)
Good morning, it's been storming all night, the roof hasn't leaked thankfully, although I can hear drips in the back of the fireplace. Very grey and misty and wet. Outside xmas tree is leaning at a dangerous angle and the window decs are all over the patio. Oh dear!
Hope you are all OK.
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your dress circle hasn't collapsed after the rain, neti? Then the show can go on!

Another chilly but sunny day in store here, but there was rain and hail last night. I think an assault on Tesco's is called for.
Morning all...oh dear neti, is your fairy a fallen woman? I've noticed a lot of outdoor xmas lights that went up early round here have disappeared again, probably wrecked by the weather. It was a peaceful night here but I've been awake since stupid o'clock and even though it's nice and sunny (but very cold) there's a funny atmosphere today.

Awful news about the Apollo, it must have been terrifying...I hope no has lost or will lose their life. It's a fear of mine, buildings collapsing.

Well I seem to have slivered out of a layer of skin in the shower, it happens every couple of months...shame no one's going to see my lovely smooth legs under me wooly long johns and crimplene slacks.
Morning all
It's lovely and bright here too but cold .Yes what an awful thing to happen in that theatre.It always seems as if there's some dreadful catastrophe or other around Christmas time .I know things can happen all year round but it seems worse at this time of the year.
Hope you're all Ok this morning though .Don't think I'll be doing a lot today just pottering around .I seem to have seized up after yesterdays trek..
I see Morrisons have started online grocery shopping today only in the Midlands atm though .
No wifi here at the moment so am using my tethering hot spot from my mobile phone!

We have ordered the TV, hope it arrives soon and hope Mr N and I between us can tune in all the Spanish and Sky progs!! Had brekkie with Mr N and then I stayed down a very wet and deserted village, but my ever loyal and gay friend was waiting for me, so we sat outside in the rain (under an awning) have a coffee together, then I got more money out of this hole in the wall bank which is magical, and have spent a lot, on stocking fillers, and have bought myself a blow torch for the kitchn but I do not know what you call them in England, here it is a soplete. Sent hija 60€ to help til she gets here!
ooh, I'd have a go with Morrisons shaney but it says Warwickshire to start ... I nipped out to get a few things and I see the mystery shoppers are already out in force..they're the ones who you never see any other time of the year in my local shops. Anyway they didn't beat me, I grabbed the compulsory 10 loaves of bread and 100 bags of crisps from under their noses, and all the mince pies in Greggs :) Almost got diddled to the tune of £1.50 in Iceland, tut, biddies can add up in their heads dearie. No apology, just a glare from her but the lovely young man packing bags did say sorry.

jno, Derbyshire dogs are more suitably dressed...

Better go and throw a few unidentified frozen objects out of the freezer to make way for this bread...
My hands are like ice here, maybe I should cancel the new telly and put the fire on after all!!

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