MSN page text size in The AnswerBank: Computers
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MSN page text size

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bekka | 23:25 Wed 14th Nov 2007 | Computers
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Finding it difficult to explain this because i don't have the page up in front of me so please be patient.

A friend is using a hotmail.com mail addy...when they retrieve email the page is msm...no toolbars at the top on that page but there is on their IE pages ( i use Firefox and OE so have no idea why that is!

Now when they send/read mails the text is ok...readable and they can format the text etc.

The problem is on the main page...the one where it tells you you have new mails etc the text size is 6...virtually unreadable.

I can't see any way to change this...on IE pages they can change the text with the view menu or they use Ctrl and the middle mouse button.

On the msn page where they retrieve mail no tool bars!

Is there a way to change the text size on that page? I live a fair distance away so can't be at their machine...just phone/mail any possible fixes.

Any ideas please!
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MSN page text size

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