What is the method of burning a cd from am audacity project. Mr cd and dvd writers are working properly. This is obe of the problemz I jave with audadity, but one at a time. I haven't fopunf the 'help' tab much use.
"Audacity� is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds" - it is not an application to burn music to CD or DVD; you will need to use another application to do this.
You're best off exporting the project as an mp3 (you'll need the LAME codec Audacity recommended) then using separate CD burning software to create an Audio CD.
Thank you for your rude but useless reply Zacsmaster. There is nothing wrong with my typing skill. I forgot to edit my query before submitting. Also thanks to Kempie and LeMarchand. I'll try your helpfull sugsestions. I am new to music editing software but even at the age of 83 I can till learn