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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Just spoken to the producer of The One Show and they are probably going to film Ronnie and sisters and me when I'm there!
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ooh, are you going to be on streaming somewhere so everyone can see?
Yes indeed jno and I hope everyone will watch in reverence and not be eating!!
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I'm gonna need a bigger TV set
Jno!!! I am not that fat!!
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no, but I'll be getting everyone in NW London in to watch!
Oh god now I'm Nervous. Actually ill just sit and add glamour as I really can't remember much of him living with us
Except that he ground his teeth at night and scared me to death . Yes he must have shared the girls room! My sisters must have had more to do with him as they helped mum more.
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got my new driving licence in the post, with no EU flag, just the letters UK, so I can now drive with sovereignty!

But my signature ... when I signed the application for the previous licence they reduced it to half size on the card so it was hardly legible. Now they've shrunk it to less than a centimetre. It's not just illegible it's barely visible. What good is that supposed to be?

The good news is they are still using my old photo before I went really grey. So nobody will recognise me from that either
I may give up.driving ahen I'm 80 (2 yrs time)
I rarely drive now but if I can still pass the tests and the medicals I guess it would be daft not to keep it.
Saw thw Kings arrive on Thurs night. It was a spectacular parade. But I feel sad for the good old days when they rode horses and had lanterns and it was more religious! Ah the joys of growing old. One of the kings had a girl who seemed to be dancing in a champagne glass a la Dita con whoever . Probably wasn't! The old woman were scrambling for the thrown sweets pushing the kids out of the way. I refrained.
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oh dear, a cap has come off my tooth - in fact off my front 4 teeth, it's a sort of bridge. I look like Dracula. Dentist has glued it back but says one of the four teeth has broken so he isn't very hopeful for long-term success.
Oh jno what are you like!
oh dear Jno. i am struggling with misbehaving sinuses, they give me headaches and make me feel stupid. So when are you on the telly Neti? Sis went home yesterday so its all a bit quiet here. back to work tomorrow, sorting and binning/donating. I did the kitchen cupboard today. Can no longer tolerate things like cornichons so all the pickly things have gone out the door. Have finally gone back to a duvet as well and its lovely. Next job is to get my beloved mimosa tree removed as its gradually collapsing sideways. Nice man from tree firm is coming on wednesday to quote....busy busy. waves and good wishes to all biddies
PS I am 70 this year and will need to renew my licence. My next door neighbour is 80 and still drives and seems fine to do so....need to get a sight test before I renew. I fancy new glasses.
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something like this neti

or I will do when it all falls out again.
Brrr am here in Eastbourne !
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ah, the sultry south coast. Quite nippy in the southeast today. At least Saimir the electrician has fixed the light in the loo so I can do sudokus again.
Morning all. Its jolly cold and has- been excessively wet and windy here in Eastbourne! Sunny now but cold . Filming with Ronnie
He arrived last night.
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I hope you have an intimacy co-ordinator on set!
Filming finished. Yes a bit intimate! He poked a microphone up my bra! But knew ibiza well. The cameraman does the country file series
No comments please! Due to be shown 17 feb!

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