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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
blimey Hendon is well out of London, or was when i was living there, are you getting sorted Jno?. Neti, My Mums next door worked in the power station, He was involved in the decomissioning (unscrewing things and moving large chunks of metal) and then retired to sussex to live with his son. Its SUCH FUN here. I have got one of those taps that has got an option to dispense filtered water with a filter system in the cupboard under the sink. We need it here because the water is so hard. anyway brita stopped making the cartridges for mine so I switched over to an aftermarket filter. It was a swine to fit and the connector has always oozed a tiny bit bit I sat it in a bucket and all was fine.....until sunday night when I found that the leak had gone from an ooze to a squirt and my kitchen was definitely swampy. I spent sunday night slapping silicone sealer all over the filter connectors and had to have the water off sunday night because the sink water on off valves cannot be reached by old ladies with bad backs. Anyway leak is back to an ooze and I have got a nice man coming in two weeks to fit me a new tap and filter system. He really is a nice man, he's the man who services my whole house softener so i trust him to find me a new tap system and quote for it. in other news, 7000 tons of textiles have gone out to the sally ann bins and 8 boxes of odds and ends and books have gone off to charity shops so go me. Stay well all.
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oh, I'm having trouble with my water since the downpours the other night, woofgang. The water on the lawn soon soaks down into the wonderful new drains I installed and gets taken to a modest tank and then pumped into the main drain.

Unfortunately the main drain seems to be blocked and after a while it all gets regurgitated back onto our path. Not all the way back to the lawnn so it's not totally recycling but it's going to take a while to drain away.

I don't know why the drain's blocked, it's always had a leaf shield on our end but perhaps it's got blocked at the street end by a colony of beavers come to rewild the streets.
Thank heavens I married a hands on plumber who can turn his had to most things. Yes we have a drinking water filter system with a little tap. Instead of changing the filter he installs a whole new system as its easier .
It's lovely here now, very few people and warm weather. We had tapas and a few drinks at a pavement cafe and chatted to many of the locals who we haven't seen all summer.
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had a nice Lebanese lunch by the river today with the jnrs and the other grandparents - but in a restaurant, as it was pouring. I really can't run or even walk fast at the moment so I just had to huddle under a brolly and shuffle through the sheets of water when we went back to their flat. The sun came out later and they do have lovely views up and down the river. But I don't think raising the dosage of my pills has had any effect yet.
That's nice jno. Are you limited as to food? Or does anything go. I've never had Lebanese food,whats it like is it spicy?
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no, I don't like spicy but I do like Middle East/Turkish. However this was more sort of south-of-the-Thames than south-of-the-Jordan
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oh shoot, heard a drip in our front room and sure enough water was coming down through the ceiling, about one drop every 10 seconds. i went to see the people there, who were still up watching TV, but we couldn't find any leaks. But one of them had had a shower so maybe there's a leak in their underfloor piping when the shower is on. It seems to have stopped dripping now, which might add weight to that theory.

I really don't need any more calamities in my life right now.
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I haven't heard back from the landlady upstairs, who's probably somewhere between her Irish cottage and her flat on the Riviera. But I have had a man in to fix the blocked drain outside, booked a cab to get me to hospital tomorrow, and started negotiations on a 24-hour ECG to carry round with me. That's quite a lot for a person in my delicate state of health. I suppose I might be less delicate if I'd remembered to have some lunch.
Hello all. Well well jno we are living parallel lives. We actually had water dripping down the wall in a steady stream at the weekend when it rained hard. I knew we had a leak but not that bad and luckily Mr N just could not ignore it. We had to move the sofa away from wall and lay a towel down to absorb the water. Hopefully he'll repair it soon!
Weather here now is gorgeous. Sunny bit not sweltering!
Having trouble with my right foot. After Ive walked for about 10 mins it hurts and swells up . Have had xrays but waiting app for hospital!
Hija is back in Barcelona and life here is smooth !
Hope all biddies are well and happy.
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the ceiling hasn't fallen in yet and her upstairs as got a workman coming in to dismantle the loo, which we think is the source of the leak. I've got the dehumidifier working overtime sucking the damp out of the carpet and my fingers are crossed.

It seems baby O had a pyjama day at nursery today. She wouldn't have been aware of it, so I'm not too sure what the point was. Her parents are off to the Albert Hall to see Skyfall with the Royal Philharmonic playing the soundtrack
My goodness Jno, you have been busy! Oh dear Neti, i hope your foot gets sorted. Its a real crimper when it hurts to walk. Jno I hope the NHS can do its stuff for you and soon. Its been busy here. The hole in my roof is fixed and kitchen tap man is coming on tuesday. In the less good news column, Heidi tortoise has got her infection back. This time they took a swab and the antibiotic has been changed from inhections every three days to injections every other day, so I have to learn how to inject her. One of my previous dogs had diabetes and I did her injections so it should be ok.......Heidi find the car journeys stressful so it will be better for her, she will only need weekly visits. I actually went out to lunch with my friend down the road today....poshish cafe restarant at the local very posh nursery. The menu is fairly limited but changes often and is delicious. It makes a change from continuous visits to charity shops and the sally ann bins but its lovely to see the house emptying out. ....and yes Jno, missing lunch does not help. KBO all
Well well deary me confusion reigns!
I wrote a long and extremely interesting (ahem) post a few days ago but it hasn't shown up!! I can't remember what was on it so can't repeat it!
We are having a cold spell, well its cold to us, you'd all love it!
Hija arrived last Friday for 4 days but didn't want to return. Yesterday so she's still here messing up my kitchen. Must start thinking about getting the Xmas decs out as it takes me forever!
Oh just remembered that I did ask about Heidi in my lost post.
Anyway hope you are all well and getting by. Waves to Shaney!
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I wonder if my rumbling stomach can be heard in Ibiza. I have no idea what I've eaten or drunk to upset it, but it sure is kicking ass...
Ah jno that rumbling noise would explain it. We thought there was a huge storm coming but nothing materialised! Back to beautiful weather again. Hija is off again tomorrow so we are going out for an Italian lunch before going to the airport!
Hello all. well I have a posh new tap and the roof is fixed. Heidi is doing well and I have injected her twice now. The maximum I will need to do is six so we are chugging on. How are you doing Jno? Today I am making soup from the halloween/thanksgiving pumpkins with added carrots, sweet potato and onion. I will freeze it fairly thick, like condensed soup as it takes up less freezer space that way.
Jno sorry to hear about your tum. This mild weather is not good for preventing bug transfer and the stomach bugs are easily transferred on doorknobs and even through the air. I owe an old friend a letter so I must get on and write
Hi woofy glad your iif and tap arw fixed. Our roof isn't as yet.
Went to dentist yesterday for another filling. Got a quite for some 4 false teeth on a plate false teeth £3000! So way will I pay that as I may be dead by next year!
Hi jno just popping in to see if you are OK? It's cold here now. Big winter duvet on and boots and scarves, and that's indoors. Non stop rain fir the last two days so no tv! Mr N has an instwrnet box but that's for the footie!
Waves to woofy and shaney!
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ah me, I have someone coming in to clear the drain tomorrow and someone to look at the fridge on Monday.

These are the two jobs I thought I'd already had done, but they've both gone wrong. I'm feeling very weary.

The ceiling is still leaking away.
I just popped by for a quick visit before bed time.

You all seem to be having water or health problems. I thought that my life was chaotic just now.
After taking Lithium for a couple of decades I have been taking off it as my kidneys are failing and I was having neurological issues causing my limbs to shake.

I am finding it difficult to walk, not helped by my weight and my dodgy knees. I live on the second and third floor of a city centre block. I have been moaning about having o move house for years.

Last Sunday I bit the bullet an went to see a first floor flat. It is about as near to the shops as possible. Once the paperwork is done I will be moving in.

However I underestimated how much crap I have and it will take me decades to pack all my stuff up.

And my renal consultant is putting me on a new drug that will help my kidney failure, HBP and diabetes.
Things look promising!

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