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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Nah jno they arr feral and will
probably leap over it!
Neti. Message for you on Chatterbank from Smudge this morning.
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went to my country dentist today and was impressed that the clinic he's at is now offering "neo-vampire facials". Apparently they're a real thing though I can't find "neo" ones online anywhere.
I am sooooo not going to google that! Hope you are all well.
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one is only as well as one's last medical consultation
Hello biddies. Lovely weather here now. Yes jno according to the locum doctor I am. in surprisingly good health ! Are you diabetic she ask looking at my notes on screen yes says I well you are fine says she! Keep on doing it! Which is eating normally and occasional shandies and sweets! Suits me!
Woofy how are the torts?
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ooh, I've been a bit short of breath all day. The operation was meant to stop that!
Oh no jno. Maybe it takes time?
Hi again Neti - I finally managed to find you by your answers! I hope you, Mr N & your daughter are all keeping well & still enjoy living in Ibiza. Hi also to jno & woofy! Are any of the other biddies still about, i.e., robinia & shaneystar, etc., if so, hope all's well with them too. :0)
Hi smudge Robinia seems to have left AB and shaney is taking a rest
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hello, smudge, I am hanging on but only just :-) I hope all's well with you too.
Dear jno.please keep hanging on! today. One indoor wall gets the black spot, , a rather large black spot, so I've moved all furniture and bleached it all. Fair worn me out!
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gotta see a lawyer and a doctor tomorrow. At least it gets me out of the house (into the rain)
Thank you Neti. ^8^
So sorry you've been feeling under the weather jno, but hope the medical staff can help get your health back on track, bless. ;o)
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well, I've seen the solicitor but managed to trip all ends up on the uneven paving stones along the road while getting there. The bruises are going to be wonderful.
At least you earn
your bruises jno I only have to wear a bracelet and I bruise and no way can I scratch an itch
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hours later my wrist has become quite painful - I suppose I fell on it. I have covered it in Voltarol. I am running out of sides I can sleep on, I will have to sleep standing up at this rate.

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