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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017
They certainly are Jno.She revolutionised fashion.
I remember my dad giving me the money to get my hair cut in the Mary Quant style.He couldn't afford to keep bunging me the money to keep it that way and my Saturday job paid peanuts so I couldn't afford it either. It was an expensive haircut for those times but it looked very glam until it lost its shape.
Nice bright day here but still chilly.
I hope you get seen really soon Neti. I hope it's nothing untoward.
Hope you're all OK otherwise.
Hello all. Warm here. Preferente must mean whenever ! Busy sorting summer clothes and bedding and trying to stash way winter clothes. Nightmare! Where does it all come from! And so many different colours to wash separately! And then they'll be the ironing! Urgh!
Loved Mary quant
Couldn't affi3d juxh at rhe time but sister had it all and passed some onto me. I loved her Ginger group! I was a hairdressers model so luckily, got the geometric cut for free! Similar to what I want this time. Long side fringe and very short sides . Mr N wasn't I.presswd with th4 cut yesterday said it was too short and hit the roof when I said next time it will be shaven at the sides. Not that I allow him to dictate to me!
Ah well better get on. Am knee deep in clothes! keep well and happy everyone!
Just had a phone call from hospital to see a surgeon about my bazoom! 17!th
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oh, that's Monday, that's pretty quick. Good luck with it.

I've already got my winter clothes back out again twice, and got the huskies back from the kennels. Winter's not over till the fat lady sings.
"Ner cast a clout til May is out "that's true even here! I always keep a couple of sweaters and jeans in thr back for emergencies.
Wonder why I have to see a surgeon and not have a mammogram!
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beats me, here you do 16 tests before a surgeon will even look at you.
Hello alm. Sunny here but not as yet sweaty! Off to see this surgeon for whatever reason. I'm completely mystified! Will report back!
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let us know how it all turns out, neti.

Looks as though I won't be casting a clout till June is out. I've got some new pills to take but they make you photosensitive so I mustn't go out in the sun, even if it's behind cloud. I shall be living like a vampire for several weeks.
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botheration - I've been watching the space launch and they abandoned it at literally the last minute.
Yrs I wad also watching the spacex and they cancelled at last minute.literally

Great news the surgeon is 98% sure it's not cancer but is confused as to what the lumps are so am
Waiting for a mammogram and a scan! Great news
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excellent news! Probably just lumps of sugar that have lost their way.
That really is good news Neti. Jno, I can tell you why it has gone cold again, its because I found some classt long sleeved fine tee tops in M and S and have been out buying red white and blue plants to make up a tub to put by the front door. I have got the Sky man coming on Thursday. Out of the blue they offered me a Q box, a repeater box for the kitchen and free installation for no sub increase. My box has been playing silly devils but I wasn't inclined to upgrade to Q and pay more subscription or buy a new box. The only downside is that I have to evict the spiders from behind the telly and shovel out the cobwebs.
KBO folks
Oh, you are busy Woofy . We still have an old sky box in lounge but also an android tv box, and I have a sky +HD in bedroom but also have a firestick with sky q and its great as have catchup and loads of films and programmes and all sports(doh). Up to now if I've missed a prog I've had to search the Internet for it and download it but don't have to now.
Am still clearing out cupboards and drawers. I'm such a hoarder. I blame the war!
I seem to have acquired two more cats now and pregnant ones at that! But a charity is hopefully sorting them out!
same here so far as the hoarding and I can't blame the war as I wasn't born!! Getting through it now though and am single handedly stocking the local charity shops!!

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