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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Just lost a post I think. Not all these typos are my fault. For some reason my phone freezes on here and it's difficult to type. No idea how to cure it.
Have just found two humungus cochroaches in laundry room and Mr N is out. I have sprayed and battled them and got them out and thumped one to death with the broom the other ran off back into laundry room I think. Hate them
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well, baby O had a bit of a temperature, almost certainly teething (she was chomping her way through a book like a very hungry caterpillar). But jno jnr called this morning to say he now had a temperature of nearly 40 and was waiting for the doctor to phone.

So in case I caught anything I went out to buy a thermometer and while I was at the chemist I got them to check my BP. Which was fine - but my pulse was 36, which isn't much better than hibernating bears. So now I am also waiting for the doctor to phone.

Maybe having family isn't such a good idea!
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I spent yesterday in A&E while they investigated my low heart rate but they sent me home saying it was a bit irregular but OK.

But as I have taken it three times today and it is still the same, I'm waiting for my GP to call me back.
Hope everything is ok jno. My friends hubby here just dropped dead from a heart attack. He was a big fellow though. Overcast and sweaty here today and 6 big drops of rain!
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the GP's going to arrange more tests. I'm just taking things easy, not standing up too quickly, that sort of thing. He says put more salt on my food (I meant to this evening but I forgot), drink fluids and don't climb ladders.
Well I hope you are obeying your Mexico jno! Are you feeling ok now?
We went to ibiza port this am to get ferry ticket sfor short trip in Oct. The place was heaving..lorries looking to not miss their ferries were driving wrong way round the roundabouts! An American couple arrived from Mallorca thinking they were on a beach boat trip and were astounded to be in the middle of a very busy port and miles away from a beach! Whata mistaka to maka!! Coming back we hit a huge storm. I was of course terrified! But we are ok. Sunny again now.
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I've had another blood test and ECG and he's going to refer me to cardiology. I must say, I'm very impressed with a mexico who rings you up at home to tell you the ltest, most would just peop a letter in the mail to be delivered a week later, if that.

Of course maybe he only does it for the seriously ill.

No real storm here, neti, but it was bucketing down for a few hours yesterday morning, and the grass is looking nice and green again after the drought.
Now that's strange jno. I saw my Mexico last Monday and she prescribed some meds for me and phone me also today to see how I was with them. I haven't actually taken any yet! Yea I suspect we are both seriously ill!!! Haha
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oh bleep, sis says she's splitting up with her husband. He's a nice guy but apparently having an affair. I've offered her the use of the spare bed, previously occupied by jno jnr after his divorce.
Oh the Divorce Bed!! That's is a terrible betrayal. Hope your sis is managing ok!
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she's thinking this is a bad time to divorce as her man goes long periods without making money (and this is one of them) then makes one big sale that nets a fortune.

Thank you for the photos! Two young cats out on the prowl
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all very quiet here - especially down my way. I am doing nothing much and slowly too, while I wait for a cardio appointment. Sometimes I wander out into the garden, then I wander back inside. Sometimes I watch a little sport on TV but I have to switch it off if it gets exciting, I don't want to aggravate my heart. I had to go all the way to a shop yesterday for a Radio Times, since the posties are on strike.
Hello know and biddies. Still unbearably stinking hot here. I truly cannot face another summer here. Anyone want to swap?
Well done jno just take it easy, no reason to rush about. Hija has bought me a new mobile phone should get it on Thursday . Hopefully it will like AB and not sieze up as this one does on here!!
Have x-ray tomorrow torso and legs and bloods next day!
Our last remaining UK food store is closing this week. It's Waitrose and Iceland but really doesn't have much in compared to our dead Tesco. We are going mañana hopefully there will be Quorn mince and baked pots and UK sliced bread!
Heavy is the head that wears a sunhat!!
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oh dear, is that a Brexit thing? I know people are having trouble exporting because of the red tape these days
Yes jno it's brexit but also rising prices as none of us doing a weekly shop there as it's too expensive but we like to go monthly for special things I.e. crumpets and shredless marmelade!
Inside type do but phone put doing. I hate this b phone!!
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I have just fallen asleep in my chair. Not an armchair, just the one in front of the computer. I must be really tired (or really ill), that hasn't happened before. It looks as if I was out for half an hour, that's how long the solitaire game had been going when I went back to it.
Jno. I can't remember my email address on which we chatted but would like to chat. Have you a throw away email address where I can reach you and I can send my new details. Meanwhile I am thinking about you and hoping all goes ok. Perhaps with my racing heart and your lazy one we can work something out!!!!...

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